On this page:
Invited Speakers
- Robin Milner
Some Uses of Maximal Fixed Points - John C. Reynolds
Conjunctive Types and Algol-like Languages - Maarten H. van Emden
First-order Predicate Logic as a Common Basis for Relational and Functional Programming
Invited Papers
- Robin Milner
Some Uses of Maximal Fixed PointsMore Information... - John C. Reynolds
Conjunctive Types and Algol-like LanguagesMore Information... - Maarten H. van Emden
First-order Predicate Logic as a Common Basis for Relational and Functional ProgrammingMore Information...
Presented Papers
Entries are ordered by surname of first author
- Martín Abadi
The Power of Temporal ProofsMore Information... - Samson Abramsky
Domain Theory in Logical FormMore Information... - Stuart F. Allen
A Non-Type-Theoretic Definition of Martin-Löf's TypesMore Information... - Bowen Alpern Fred B. Schneider
Proving Boolean Combinations of Deterministic PropertiesMore Information... - Leo Bachmair Nachum Dershowitz
Inference Rules for Rewrite-Based First-Order Theorem ProvingMore Information... - Nicole Bidoit Christine Froidevaux
Minimalism subsumes Default Logic and Circumscription in Stratified Logic ProgrammingMore Information... - Corrado Böhm Enrico Tronci
X-Separability and Left-Invertibility in lambda-calculusMore Information... - Val Breazu-Tannen Albert R. Meyer
Polymorphism is conservative over simple types (Preliminary Report)More Information... - Robert L. Constable Scott F. Smith
Partial Objects In Constructive Type TheoryMore Information... - Max Dauchet Sophie Tison Thierry Heuillard Pierre Lescanne
Decidability of the Confluence of Ground Term Rewriting SystemsMore Information... - Ronald Fagin Joseph Y. Halpern
I'm OK if You're OK: On the Notion of Trusting CommunicationMore Information... - Peter J. Freyd Andre Scedrov
Some Semantic Aspects of Polymorphic Lambda CalculusMore Information... - Haim Gaifman Vaughan R. Pratt
Partial Order Models of Concurrency and the Computation of FunctionsMore Information... - Haim Gaifman Harry G. Mairson Yehoshua Sagiv Moshe Y. Vardi
Undecidable Optimization Problems for Database Logic ProgramsMore Information... - Jean H. Gallier Stan Raatz Wayne Snyder
Theorem Proving Using Rigid E-Unification Equational MatingsMore Information... - Andreas Goerdt
Hoare Logic for Lambda-Terms as Basis of Hoare Logic for Imperative LanguagesMore Information... - Joseph A. Goguen José Meseguer
Order-Sorted Algebra solves the Constructor-Selector, MultipleMore Information... - Joseph Y. Halpern Edward L. Wimmers
Full Abstraction and Expressive Completeness for FPMore Information... - David Harel Amir Pnueli Jeanette P. Schmidt Rivi Sherman
On the Formal Semantics of Statecharts (Extended Abstract)More Information... - Robert Harper Furio Honsell Gordon D. Plotkin
A Framework for Defining LogicsMore Information... - Douglas J. Howe
The Computational Behaviour of Girard's ParadoxMore Information... - Neil Immerman Dexter C. Kozen
Definability with Bounded Number of Bound VariablesMore Information... - Assaf J. Kfoury Jerzy Tiuryn Pawel Urzyczyn
The Hierarchy of Finitely Typed Functional Programs (Short Version)More Information... - Claude Kirchner Pierre Lescanne
Solving DisequationsMore Information... - Nax P. Mendler
Recursive Types and Type Constraints in Second-Order Lambda CalculusMore Information... - Dale A. Miller Gopalan Nadathur Andre Scedrov
Hereditary Harrop Formulas and Uniform Proof SystemsMore Information... - John C. Mitchell Eugenio Moggi
Kripke-Style models for typed lambda calculusMore Information... - Robert A. G. Seely
Modelling Computations: A 2-Categorical FrameworkMore Information... - Yoav Shoham
A Semantical Approach to Nonmonotonic LogicsMore Information... - A. Prasad Sistla Steven M. German
Reasoning with Many ProcessesMore Information... - A. Prasad Sistla Lenore D. Zuck
On the Eventuality Operator in Temporal LogicMore Information... - Wolfgang Thomas
On Chain Logic, Path Logic, and First-Order Logic over Infinite TreesMore Information... - Moshe Y. Vardi
Verification of Concurrent Programs: The Automata-Theoretic FrameworkMore Information... - Mitchell Wand
Complete Type Inference for Simple ObjectsMore Information...
Program ChairDavid Gries (Cornell University) Conference ChairAshok H. Chandra (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center) Publicity ChairDavid W. Bray (Clarkson University) |
Program Committee:Stephen Brookes; Luca Cardelli; Robert Constable; Melvin Fitting; Joseph A. Goguen; Yuri Gurevich; David Harel; Jean-Pierre Jouannaud; Richard E. Ladner; Vladimir Lifschitz; Giuseppe Longo; Anil Nerode; Gordon Plotkin; Amir Pnueli; Philip Scott Organizing CommitteeK. Jon Barwise; Woodrow W. Bledsoe; Ashok K. Chandra; Edsger W. Dijkstra; Erwin Engleler; Joseph A. Goguen; Dexter C. Kozen; Zohar Manna; Albert R. Meyer; Rohit Parikh; Gordon D. Plotkin; Dana S. Scott |