
IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science

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Second Annual IEEE Symposium on

Logic in Computer Science (LICS 1987)

1987-06-22 to 1987-06-25, Ithaca, NY, USA

On this page:

Invited Speakers

Invited Papers

Presented Papers

Entries are ordered by surname of first author


Program Chair

David Gries (Cornell University)

Conference Chair

Ashok H. Chandra (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center)

Publicity Chair

David W. Bray (Clarkson University)

Program Committee:

Stephen Brookes; Luca Cardelli; Robert Constable; Melvin Fitting; Joseph A. Goguen; Yuri Gurevich; David Harel; Jean-Pierre Jouannaud; Richard E. Ladner; Vladimir Lifschitz; Giuseppe Longo; Anil Nerode; Gordon Plotkin; Amir Pnueli; Philip Scott

Organizing Committee

K. Jon Barwise; Woodrow W. Bledsoe; Ashok K. Chandra; Edsger W. Dijkstra; Erwin Engleler; Joseph A. Goguen; Dexter C. Kozen; Zohar Manna; Albert R. Meyer; Rohit Parikh; Gordon D. Plotkin; Dana S. Scott

Last modified: 2024-10-249:41
Sam Staton