
IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science

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Fourth Annual IEEE Symposium on

Logic in Computer Science (LICS 1989)

Paper: Computational lambda-calculus and monads (at LICS 1989)

Winner of the Test-of-Time Award in 2009
Authors: Eugenio Moggi


The λ-calculus is considered a useful mathematical tool in the study of programming languages. However, if one uses βη-conversion to prove equivalence of programs, then a gross simplification is introduced. The author gives a calculus based on a categorical semantics for computations, which provides a correct basis for proving equivalence of programs, independent from any specific computational model


    author = 	 {Eugenio Moggi},
    title = 	 {Computational lambda-calculus and monads},
    booktitle =  {Proceedings of the Fourth Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS 1989)},
    year =	 {1989},
    month =	 {June}, 
    pages =      {14--23},
    location =   {Pacific Grove, CA, USA}, 
    publisher =	 {IEEE Computer Society Press}

Last modified: 2024-10-249:41
Sam Staton