On this page:
Invited Speakers
- Martin Davis
Emil Post's contributions to computer science - Vladimir Lifschitz
The mathematics of nonmonotonic reasoning - Dana S. Scott
Domains and logics
Invited Papers
- Martin Davis
Emil Post's contributions to computer scienceMore Information... - Vladimir Lifschitz
The mathematics of nonmonotonic reasoningMore Information... - Dana S. Scott
Domains and logicsMore Information...
Presented Papers
Entries are ordered by surname of first author
- Martín Abadi Benjamin C. Pierce Gordon D. Plotkin
Faithful ideal models for recursive polymorphic typesMore Information... - Serge Abiteboul Victor Vianu
Fixpoint extensions of first-order logic and datalog-like languages More Information... - Luca Aceto Matthew Hennessy
Towards action-refinement in process algebrasMore Information... - Soumitra Bose Edmund M. Clarke David E. Long Spiro Michaylov
PARTHENON: a parallel theorem prover for non-Horn clausesMore Information... - Val Breazu-Tannen Thierry Coquand Carl A. Gunter Andre Scedrov
Inheritance and explicit coercionMore Information... - Edmund M. Clarke David E. Long Kenneth L. McMillan
Compositional model checkingMore Information... - Stavros S. Cosmadakis
Computing with recursive typesMore Information... - Roel C. de Vrijer
Extending the lambda calculus with surjective pairing is conservative More Information... - Pierpaolo Degano José Meseguer Ugo Montanari
Axiomatizing net computations and processesMore Information... - E. Allen Emerson Charanjit S. Jutla
On simultaneously determinizing and complementing ω-automata More Information... - R. Tim P. Fernando
On substitutional recursion over non-well-founded setsMore Information... - Melvin Fitting
Negation as refutationMore Information... - Haim Gaifman Ehud Y. Shapiro
Proof theory and semantics of logic programsMore Information... - Jay L. Gischer
A small universal model for system executionsMore Information... - Andreas Goerdt
Characterizing complexity classes by higher type primitive recursive definitions More Information... - Robert Harper Donald Sannella Andrzej Tarlecki
Structure and representation in LFMore Information... - Douglas J. Howe
Equality in lazy computation systemsMore Information... - Radha Jagadeesan Prakash Panangaden Keshav Pingali
A fully abstract semantics for a functional language with logic variables More Information... - Curt Jones Gordon D. Plotkin
A probabilistic powerdomain of evaluationsMore Information... - Assaf J. Kfoury Jerzy Tiuryn Pawel Urzyczyn
Computational consequences and partial solutions of a generalized unification problem More Information... - Michael Kifer Eliezer L. Lozinskii
RI: a logic for reasoning with inconsistencyMore Information... - Daniel Leivant
Stratified polymorphismMore Information... - Robert S. Lubarsky
μ-definable sets of integersMore Information... - Zhaohui Luo
ECC, an extended calculus of constructionsMore Information... - Ian A. Mason Carolyn L. Talcott
Axiomatizing operational equivalence in the presence of side effects More Information... - Aart Middeldorp
A sufficient condition for the termination of the direct sum of term rewriting systems More Information... - Michael W. Mislove Lawrence S. Moss Frank J. Oles
Non-well-founded sets obtained from ideal fixed pointsMore Information... - Eugenio Moggi
Computational lambda-calculus and monadsMore Information... - Yiannis N. Moschovakis
A game-theoretic modeling of concurrencyMore Information... - Peter D. Mosses
Unified algebras and institutionsMore Information... - Anil Nerode Jeffrey B. Remmel Andre Scedrov
Polynomially graded logic I. A graded version of system TMore Information... - Frank Pfenning
Elf: a language for logic definition and verified metaprogramming More Information... - Andrew M. Pitts
Non trivial power types can't be subtypes of polymorphic typesMore Information... - Alexander M. Rabinovich Boris A. Trakhtenbrot
Nets and data flow interpretersMore Information... - Edmund P. Robinson
How complete is PER?More Information... - Alexei P. Stolboushkin
Some complexity bounds for dynamic logicsMore Information... - Moshe Y. Vardi
On the complexity of epistemic reasoningMore Information... - Mitchell Wand
Type inference for record concatenation and multiple inheritance More Information...
Program ChairRohit Parikh (City University of New York) Conference ChairAlbert R. Meyer (MIT) Publicity ChairDavid W. Bray (Clarkson University) |
Program Committee:M. Davis; M. Fitting; M. Hennessy; D. Israel; J. Jaffar; D. Joseph; D. Kapur; A. Kfoury; P. Kolaitis; D. Kozen; V. Lifschitz; A. Pnueli; V. Pratt; R. Statman Organizing CommitteeK. Jon Barwise; Woodrow W. Bledsoe; Ashok K. Chandra; Edsgar W. Dijkstra; Erwin Engeler; Joseph A. Goguen; David Gries; Yuri Gurevich; Dexter C. Kozen; Zohar Manna; Albert R. Meyer; Rohit Parikh; Gordon D. Plotkin; Dana S. Scott |