On this page:
Invited Speakers
- Shang-Ching Chou
Automated Reasoning in Geometry Using Algebraic Methods - Nachum Dershowitz
Theorem Proving with Ordered Equations - Robin O. Gandy
A. Turing - William McCune
Searching for Fixed-Point Combinators with the Kernel Method
Invited Papers
- Shang-Ching Chou
Automated Reasoning in Geometry Using Algebraic MethodsMore Information... - Nachum Dershowitz
Theorem Proving with Ordered EquationsMore Information... - William McCune
Searching for Fixed-Point Combinators with the Kernel MethodMore Information...
Presented Papers
Entries are ordered by surname of first author
- Martín Abadi Gordon D. Plotkin
A PER model of polymorphism and recursive typesMore Information... - Stuart F. Allen Robert L. Constable Douglas J. Howe William E. Aitken
The semantics of reflected proofMore Information... - Rajeev Alur Thomas A. Henzinger
Real-time logics: complexity and expressivenessMore Information... - Rajeev Alur Costas Courcoubetis David L. Dill
Model-checking for real-time systemsMore Information... - Alexandre Boudet Evelyne Contejean Hervé Devie
A new AC unification algorithm with an algorithm for solving systems of diophantine equations More Information... - Carolyn Brown Doug Gurr
A categorical linear framework for Petri netsMore Information... - Jerry R. Burch Edmund M. Clarke Kenneth L. McMillan David L. Dill L. James Hwang
Symbolic model checking: 10^20 states and beyondMore Information... - Serenella Cerrito
A linear semantics for allowed logic programsMore Information... - Rance Cleaveland Bernhard Steffen
When is `partial' adequate? A logic-based proof technique using partial specifications More Information... - Peter Clote
ALOGTIME and a conjecture of S.A. CookMore Information... - Hubert Comon-Lundh
Solving inequations in terms algebrasMore Information... - Stavros S. Cosmadakis Albert R. Meyer Jon G. Riecke
Completeness for typed lazy inequalitiesMore Information... - Bruno Courcelle
On the expression of monadic second-order graph properties without quantifications over sets of edges More Information... - Roy L. Crole Andrew M. Pitts
New foundations for fixpoint computationsMore Information... - Max Dauchet Sophie Tison
The theory of ground rewrite systems is decidableMore Information... - Rocco De Nicola Fritz W. Vaandrager
Three logics for branching bisimulationMore Information... - Jochen Dörre William C. Rounds
On subsumption and semiunification in feature algebrasMore Information... - Manfred Droste Rüdiger Göbel
Universal domains in the theory of denotational semantics of programming languages More Information... - E. Allen Emerson Michael Evangelist Jai Srinivasan
On the limits of efficient temporal decidabilityMore Information... - Peter J. Freyd Philip Mulry Giuseppe Rosolini Dana S. Scott
Extensional PERsMore Information... - Peter J. Freyd
Recursive types reduced to inductive typesMore Information... - Vijay Gehlot Carl A. Gunter
Normal process representativesMore Information... - Kenneth J. Goldman Nancy A. Lynch
Modelling shared state in a shared action modelMore Information... - Juan C. Guzmán Paul Hudak
Single-threaded polymorphic lambda calculusMore Information... - Eyal Harel Orna Lichtenstein Amir Pnueli
Explicit clock temporal logicMore Information... - David Harel Roni Rosner Moshe Y. Vardi
On the power of bounded concurrency. III. Reasoning about programs More Information... - Nevin Heintze Joxan Jaffar
A decision procedure for a class of set constraintsMore Information... - Achim Jung
The classification of continuous domainsMore Information... - Assaf J. Kfoury Jerzy Tiuryn
Type reconstruction in finite-rank fragments of the polymorphic λ-calculus More Information... - Claude Kirchner Francis Klay
Syntactic theories and unificationMore Information... - Phokion G. Kolaitis Moshe Y. Vardi
0-1 laws for infinitary logicsMore Information... - Phokion G. Kolaitis
Implicit definability on finite structures and unambiguous computations More Information... - Kim G. Larsen Liu Xinxin
Equation solving using modal transition systemsMore Information... - Jean-Louis Lassez Ken McAloon
A constraint sequent calculusMore Information... - Pierre Lescanne
Well rewrite orderingsMore Information... - Harry R. Lewis
A logic of concrete time intervalsMore Information... - Victor W. Marek Anil Nerode Jeffrey B. Remmel
A theory of nonmonotonic rule systemsMore Information... - Faron Moller
The nonexistence of finite axiomatisations for CCS congruencesMore Information... - Chetan R. Murthy James R. Russell
A constructive proof of Higman's lemmaMore Information... - Tobias Nipkow
Proof transformations for equational theoriesMore Information... - Wesley Phoa
Effective domains and intrinsic structureMore Information... - Edmund P. Robinson Giuseppe Rosolini
Polymorphism, set theory, and call-by-valueMore Information... - R. C. Sekar I. V. Ramakrishnan
Programming in equational logic: beyond strong sequentialityMore Information... - Ron van der Meyden
The dynamic logic of permissionMore Information... - Rob J. van Glabbeek Scott A. Smolka Bernhard Steffen Chris M. N. Tofts
Reactive, generative, and stratified models of probabilistic processes More Information... - Mitchell Wand Zheng-Yu Wang
Conditional lambda-theories and the verification of static properties of programs More Information...
General ChairAlbert R. Meyer (MIT Lab. for Computer Science) Program ChairJohn C. Mitchell (Dept. of Computer Science, Stanford University) Conference ChairJean Gallier (Dept. Computer and Info. Sciences, University of Pennsylvania) Publicity ChairDaniel Leivant (School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University) |
Program Committee:Krzysztof R. Apt; K. Jon Barwise; Edmund M. Clarke; Stephen A. Cook; Susumu Hayashi; Paris C. Kanellakis; Jean-Pierre Jouannaud; Daniel Leivant; Ugo Montanari; Andrew M. Pitts; Erik Sandewall; Andre Scedrov; Mark E. Stickel; Glynn Winskel Organizing CommitteeMartín Abadi; K. Jon Barwise; Ashok K. Chandra; Edsgar W. Dijkstra; Erwin Engeler; Jean H. Gallier; Joseph A. Goguen; David Gries; Yuri Gurevich; David S. Johnson; Gilles Kahn; Jan W. Klop; Dexter C. Kozen; Daniel Leivant; Zohar Manna; Albert R. Meyer; Grigori Mints; John C. Mitchell; Yiannis N. Moschovakis; Christos H. Papadimitriou; Rohit Parikh; Gordon D. Plotkin; Grzegorz Rozenberg; Dana S. Scott; Roel C. de Vrijer |