On this page:
Invited Speakers
- K. Jon Barwise
Imperfect information flow - Phokion G. Kolaitis
A Tutorial on Finite Model Theory - Joachim Lambek
Programs, grammars and arguments: a personal view of some connections between computation, language and logic - Andrew M. Pitts
Bisimulation and Co-induction (Tutorial) - Gordon D. Plotkin
Type theory and recursion
Invited Papers
- K. Jon Barwise Jerry Seligman
Imperfect information flowMore Information... - Phokion G. Kolaitis
A Tutorial on Finite Model TheoryMore Information... - Joachim Lambek
Programs, grammars and arguments: a personal view of some connections between computation, language and logicMore Information... - Andrew M. Pitts
Bisimulation and Co-induction (Tutorial)More Information... - Gordon D. Plotkin
Type theory and recursionMore Information...
Presented Papers
Entries are ordered by surname of first author
- Parosh A. Abdulla Bengt Jonsson
Verifying programs with unreliable channelsMore Information... - Leo Bachmair Harald Ganzinger Uwe Waldmann
Set constraints are the monadic classMore Information... - Paul Beame Toniann Pitassi
An exponential separation between the matching principle and the pigeonhole principle More Information... - Ahmed Bouajjani Rachid Echahed Joseph Sifakis
On model checking for real-time properties with durationsMore Information... - Val Breazu-Tannen Delia Kesner Laurence Puel
A typed pattern calculusMore Information... - Stephen D. Brookes
Full abstraction for a shared variable parallel languageMore Information... - Shang-Ching Chou Xiao-Shan Gao Jing-Zhong Zhang
Automated production of traditional proofs for constructive geometry theorems More Information... - Søren Christensen Yoram Hirshfeld Faron Moller
Decomposability, decidability and axiomatisability for bisimulation equivalence on basic parallel processes More Information... - Bruno Courcelle
Monadic second-order logic and hypergraph orientationMore Information... - Vincent Danos Laurent Regnier
Local and asynchronous beta-reduction (an analysis of Girard's execution formula) More Information... - Moreno Falaschi Maurizio Gabbrielli Kim Marriott Catuscia Palamidessi
Compositional analysis for concurrent constraint programmingMore Information... - Guy Fayolle Stéphane Grumbach Chritophe Tollu
Asymptotic probabilities of languages with generalized quantifiers More Information... - Amy Felty
Encoding the calculus of constructions in a higher-order logicMore Information... - Marcelo P. Fiore
A coinduction principle for recursive data types based on bisimulation More Information... - Matthew Hennessy
A fully abstract denotational model for higher-order processesMore Information... - Gerd G. Hillebrand Paris C. Kanellakis Harry G. Mairson
Database query languages embedded in the typed lambda calculusMore Information... - My Hoang John C. Mitchell Ramesh Viswanathan
Standard ML-NJ weak polymorphism and imperative constructsMore Information... - Lalita Jategaonkar Albert R. Meyer
Self-synchronization of concurrent processesMore Information... - André Joyal Mogens Nielsen Glynn Winskel
Bisimulation and open mapsMore Information... - Laks V. S. Lakshmanan Karima Ashraf Jiawei Han
Homomorphic tree embeddings and their applications to recursive program optimization More Information... - Giuseppe Longo Kathleen Milsted Sergei Soloviev
The genericity theorem and the notion of parametricity in the polymorphic λ-calculus More Information... - James F. Lynch
Infinitary logics and very sparse random graphsMore Information... - Ursula Martin Elizabeth Scott
The order types of termination orderings on monadic terms, strings and multisets More Information... - John C. Mitchell Furio Honsell Kathleen Fisher
A lambda calculus of objects and method specializationMore Information... - Paliath Narendran Michaël Rusinowitch
The unifiability problem in ground AC theoriesMore Information... - Paliath Narendran Frank Pfenning Richard Statman
On the unification problem for Cartesian closed categoriesMore Information... - Tobias Nipkow
Functional unification of higher-order patternsMore Information... - Damian Niwinski Alexei P. Stolboushkin
y=2x vs. y=3xMore Information... - C.-H. Luke Ong
Non-determinism in a functional settingMore Information... - Michel Parigot
Strong normalization for second order classical natural deduction More Information... - Mati Pentus
Lambek grammars are context freeMore Information... - Wesley Phoa
Adequacy for untyped translations of typed λ-calculiMore Information... - Benjamin C. Pierce Davide Sangiorgi
Typing and subtyping for mobile processesMore Information... - Andrew M. Pitts
Relational properties of recursively defined domainsMore Information... - Amir Pnueli Lenore D. Zuck
In and out of temporal logicMore Information... - Peter Schroeder-Heister
Rules of definitional reflectionMore Information... - Anil Seth
Some desirable conditions for feasible functionals of type 2More Information... - Igor Walukiewicz
On completeness of the μ-calculusMore Information...
General ChairRobert L. Constable (Cornell University) Program ChairMoshe Y. Vardi (IBM Research) Conference ChairMitsuhiro Okada (Concordia university) Prakash Panangaden (McGill University) Publicity ChairDaniel Leivant (Indiana University) |
Program Committee:Martín Abadi (DEC SRC); Samson Abramsky (Imperial Coll.); Bard Bloom (Cornell); Peter Clote (Boston Coll.); Peter J. Freyd (Univ. of Pennsylvania); David Harel (Weizmann Inst.); Kim G. Larsen (Aalborg Univ.); Pierre Lescanne (CRIN and INRIA-Lorraine); David A. McAllester (MIT); José Meseguer (SRI); Dale A. Miller (Univ. of Pennsylvania); Yiannis N. Moschovakis (UCLA); Natarajan Shankar (SRI); Carolyn L. Talcott (Stanford); Moshe Y. Vardi (IBM Almaden); Pierre Wolper (Univ. of Liege) Organizing CommitteeMartín Abadi; Samson Abramsky; Sergei N. Artëmov; K. Jon Barwise; Manuel Blum; Allan Borodin; Alan Bundy; Samuel R. Buss; Edmund M. Clarke; Robert L. Constable; Erwin Engeler; Jean H. Gallier; Ursula Goltz; Yuri Gurevich; Susumu Hayashi; Gérard P. Huet; Gilles Kahn; Deepak Kapur; Claude Kirchner; S. Rap Kosaraju; Jan W. Klop; Phokion G. Kolaitis; Daniel Leivant; Albert R. Meyer; Grigori Mints; John C. Mitchell; Yiannis N. Moschovakis; Mitsuhiro Okada; Prakash Panangaden; Andrew M. Pitts; Gordon D. Plotkin; Simona Ronchi della Rocca; Grzegorz Rozenberg; Andre Scedrov; Dana S. Scott; Jerzy Tiuryn; Moshe Y. Vardi; Roel C. de Vrijer |