On this page:
Invited Speakers
- Serge Abiteboul
Semistructured Data: From Practice to Theory - Andrew W. Appel
Foundational Proof-Carrying Code - David L. Dill
Successive Approximation of Abstract Transition Relations - Yuri Gurevich
A Logician in the Land of OS: Abstract State Machines in Microsoft - John C. Mitchell
Probabilistic Polynomial-Time Process Calculus and Security Protocol Analysis - Wolfgang Thomas
The Engineering Challenge for Logic
Invited Papers
- Serge Abiteboul
Semistructured Data: From Practice to TheoryMore Information... - Andrew W. Appel
Foundational Proof-Carrying CodeMore Information... - Satyaki Das David L. Dill
Successive Approximation of Abstract Transition RelationsMore Information... - Yuri Gurevich
A Logician in the Land of OS: Abstract State Machines in MicrosoftMore Information... - John C. Mitchell Ajith Ramanathan Vanessa Teague Andre Scedrov
Probabilistic Polynomial-Time Process Calculus and Security Protocol AnalysisMore Information... - Wolfgang Thomas
The Engineering Challenge for LogicMore Information...
Presented Papers
Entries are ordered by surname of first author
- Micah Adler Neil Immerman
An n! Lower Bound on Formula SizeMore Information... - Noga Alon Tova Milo Frank Neven Dan Suciu Victor Vianu
Typechecking XML Views of Relational DatabasesMore Information... - Thorsten Altenkirch Peter Dybjer Martin Hofmann Philip J. Scott
Normalization by Evaluation for Typed Lambda Calculus with CoproductsMore Information... - Rajeev Alur Salvatore La Torre
Deterministic Generators and Games for LTL FragmentsMore Information... - Eugene Asarin Ahmed Bouajjani
Perturbed Turing Machines and Hybrid SystemsMore Information... - Jeremy Avigad
Eliminating Definitions and Skolem Functions in First-Order LogicMore Information... - David A. Mix Barrington Neil Immerman Clemens Lautemann Nicole Schweikardt Denis Thérien
The Crane Beach ConjectureMore Information... - Michael Benedikt Leonid Libkin Thomas Schwentick Luc Segoufin
A Model-Theoretic Approach to Regular String RelationsMore Information... - Frédéric Blanqui
Definitions by Rewriting in the Calculus of ConstructionsMore Information... - Ahmed Bouajjani Anca Muscholl Tayssir Touili
Permutation Rewriting and Algorithmic VerificationMore Information... - Glenn Bruns Patrice Godefroid
Temporal Logic Query CheckingMore Information... - Stephen A. Cook Antonina Kolokolova
A Second-Order System for Polytime Reasoning Using Grädel's TheoremMore Information... - Luca de Alfaro Thomas A. Henzinger Rupak Majumdar
From Verification to Control: Dynamic Programs for Omega-Regular ObjectivesMore Information... - Martín H. Escardó Alex K. Simpson
A Universal Characterization of the Closed Euclidean IntervalMore Information... - Marcelo P. Fiore Daniele Turi
Semantics of Name and Value PassingMore Information... - Harald Ganzinger
Relating Semantic and Proof-Theoretic Concepts for Polynomial Time Decidability of Uniform Word ProblemsMore Information... - Guillem Godoy Robert Nieuwenhuis
On Ordering Constraints for Deduction with Built-In Abelian Semigroups, Monoids and GroupsMore Information... - Kohei Honda Nobuko Yoshida Martin Berger
Strong Normalisation in the π-CalculusMore Information... - Taneli Huuskonen Tapani Hyttinen
On Definability of Order in Logic with ChoiceMore Information... - David Janin Giacomo Lenzi
Relating Levels of the Mu-Calculus Hierarchy and Levels of the Monadic HierarchyMore Information... - Alan Jeffrey
A Symbolic Labelled Transition System for Coinductive Subtyping of F_{\mu\leq} TypesMore Information... - Lefteris M. Kirousis Phokion G. Kolaitis
A Dichotomy in the Complexity of Propositional CircumscriptionMore Information... - Dexter C. Kozen Jerzy Tiuryn
Intuitionistic Linear Logic and Partial CorrectnessMore Information... - Orna Kupferman Moshe Y. Vardi
Synthesizing Distributed SystemsMore Information... - James Laird
A Fully Abstract Game Semantics of Local ExceptionsMore Information... - Martin Lange Colin Stirling
Focus Games for Satisfiability and Completeness of Temporal LogicMore Information... - Giacomo Lenzi André Arnold Jerzy Marcinkowski
The Hierarchy inside Closed Monadic S1 Collapses on the Infinite Binary TreeMore Information... - Panagiotis Manolios Richard J. Trefler
Safety and Liveness in Branching TimeMore Information... - Frank Pfenning
Intensionality, Extensionality, and Proof Irrelevance in Modal Type TheoryMore Information... - Harald Rueß Natarajan Shankar
Deconstructing ShostakMore Information... - Antonino Salibra
A Continuum of Theories of Lambda Calculus without SemanticsMore Information... - Scott D. Stoller
A Bound on Attacks on Payment ProtocolsMore Information... - Aaron Stump Clark W. Barrett David L. Dill Jeremy R. Levitt
A Decision Procedure for an Extensional Theory of ArraysMore Information... - Wieslaw Szwast Lidia Tendera
On the Decision Problem for the Guarded Fragment with TransitivityMore Information... - Kazushige Terui
Light Affine Lambda Calculus and Polytime Strong NormalizationMore Information... - Hongwei Xi
Dependent Types for Program Termination VerificationMore Information...
Short Presentations
Entries are ordered by surname of first author
- Carlos E. Areces Patrick Blackburn Maarten Marx
Repairing the Interpolation Theorem in First-Order Modal LogicMore Information... - Lujo Bauer Michael A. Schneider Edward W. Felten
A proof-Carrying Authorization SystemMore Information... - Manuel Bodirsky Tobias Gärtner Timo von Oertzen Jan Schwinghammer
Computing the Density of Regular LanguagesMore Information... - Emanuele Covino Giovanni Pani
Recursive Programming Languages for Complexity ClassesMore Information... - Ara Hayrapetyan Rakesh Verma
On the Complexity of Confluence for Ground Rewrite SystemsMore Information... - Iluju Kiringa Dan E. Willard
Self-Verifying Systems, the Incompleteness Theorem and the Tangibility Reflection PrincipleMore Information... - Iluju Kiringa
A Theory of Advanced Transactions in the Situation CalculusMore Information... - Ulrich Kohlenbach
Recent Progress in Proof MiningMore Information... - Steven Lindell Iliano Cervesato
The Dolev-Yaho Intruder is the Most Powerful AttackerMore Information... - Steven Lindell
Finite Visit Sequential Deterministic Tree AutomataMore Information... - Inês Lynce João P. Marques-Silva
Integrating Simplification Techniques in SAT AlgorithmsMore Information... - Christopher Lynch Christelle Scharff
Basic Completion Modulo with SimplificationMore Information... - Viktor Petersson Sergei G. Vorobyov
Interior-Point Approach to Parity GamesMore Information... - Alex Pogel George Voutsadakis Mai Gehrke
A Game involving Epistemic Logic and ProbabilityMore Information... - Gang Tan Andrew W. Appel
Semantics of machine Instructions at Multiple Levels of AbstractionMore Information...
General ChairSamson Abramsky Program ChairJoseph Y. Halpern Conference ChairHarry G. Mairson Publicity ChairMartin Grohe |
Program Committee:Parosh A. Abdulla (Uppsala U.); Rance Cleaveland (SUNY Stony Brook); Hubert Comon-Lundh (CNRS -- ENS Cachan); Thomas Eiter (T.U. Vienna); Erich Grädel (RWTH Aachen); Nevin Heintze (Bell Labs); Radha Jagadeesan (Loyola U.); Jean-Pierre Jouannaud (U. Paris-Sud); Patrick Lincoln (SRI International); David A. McAllester (AT&T Labs); Ron van der Meyden (U. New South Wales); Adolfo Piperno (U. Roma "La Sapienza"); Gordon D. Plotkin (U. Edinburgh); Michel de Rougemont (U. Paris-II); Thomas Streicher (T.U. Darmstadt); Pawel Urzyczyn (U. Warsaw); Pierre Wolper (U. Liege) Organizing CommitteeMartín Abadi; S. Abramsky (chair); Alok Aggarwal; Marc Bezem; Edmund M. Clarke; Robert L. Constable; Nachum Dershowitz; Josep Díaz; Harald Ganzinger; Fausto Giunchiglia; Martin Grohe; Daniel Leivant; Leonid Libkin; Giuseppe Longo; Donald A. Martin; John C. Mitchell; Eugenio Moggi; Vaughan R. Pratt; Jon G. Riecke; Simona Ronchi della Rocca; Jerzy Tiuryn; Moshe Y. Vardi; Jeffrey S. Vitter; Glynn Winskel Advisory BoardMartín Abadi; Serge Abiteboul; Samson Abramsky; Mariangiola Dezani-Ciancaglini; Joseph Y. Halpern; Russell Impagliazzo; Dexter C. Kozen; Leszek Pacholski; Andre Scedrov; Dana S. Scott; Jeannette M. Wing |