On this page:
Invited Speakers
- Martín Abadi
Logic in Access Control - Erich Grädel
Will Deflation Lead to Depletion? On Non-Monotone Fixed Point Inductions - John Harrison
Formal Verification at Intel - Marta Z. Kwiatkowska
Model checking for probability and time: from theory to practice - John McCarthy
Advice about logical AI - Benjamin C. Pierce
Types and Programming Languages: The Next Generation - Moshe Y. Vardi
How Logic Begat Computer Science
Invited Papers
- Martín Abadi
Logic in Access ControlMore Information... - Erich Grädel Stephan Kreutzer
Will Deflation Lead to Depletion? On Non-Monotone Fixed Point InductionsMore Information... - John Harrison
Formal Verification at IntelMore Information... - Marta Z. Kwiatkowska
Model checking for probability and time: from theory to practiceMore Information... - John McCarthy
Advice about logical AIMore Information... - Benjamin C. Pierce
Types and Programming Languages: The Next GenerationMore Information...
Presented Papers
Entries are ordered by surname of first author
- Amal J. Ahmed Limin Jia David Walker
Reasoning about Hierarchical StorageMore Information... - Andrei A. Bulatov
Tractable conservative Constraint Satisfaction ProblemsMore Information... - Joshua Buresh-Oppenheim Toniann Pitassi
The Complexity of Resolution RefinementsMore Information... - Yannick Chevalier Ralf Küsters Michaël Rusinowitch Mathieu Turuani
An NP Decision Procedure for Protocol Insecurity with XORMore Information... - Hubert Comon-Lundh Vitaly Shmatikov
Intruder Deductions, Constraint Solving and Insecurity Decision in Presence of Exclusive orMore Information... - Vincent Danos Josée Desharnais
Labelled Markov Processes: Stronger and Faster ApproximationsMore Information... - Nachum Dershowitz Claude Kirchner
Abstract Saturation-Based InferenceMore Information... - E. Allen Emerson Vineet Kahlon
Model Checking Guarded ProtocolsMore Information... - Tomás Feder Moshe Y. Vardi
Homomorphism Closed vs. Existential PositiveMore Information... - Markus Frick Martin Grohe Christoph Koch
Query Evaluation on Compressed Trees (Extended Abstract)More Information... - Harald Ganzinger Konstantin Korovin
New Directions in Instantiation-Based Theorem ProvingMore Information... - Yuri Gurevich Saharon Shelah
Spectra of Monadic Second-Order Formulas with One Unary FunctionMore Information... - Dominic J. D. Hughes Rob J. van Glabbeek
Proof Nets for Unit-free Multiplicative-Additive Linear Logic (Extended abstract)More Information... - Aaron Hunter
Spectrum Hierarchies and Subdiagonal FunctionsMore Information... - Petr Jančar
Strong Bisimilarity on Basic Parallel Processes is PSPACE-completeMore Information... - Bakhadyr Khoussainov Sasha Rubin Frank Stephan
On Automatic Partial OrdersMore Information... - Alexei P. Kopylov
Dependent Intersection: A New Way of Defining Records in Type TheoryMore Information... - Konstantin Korovin Andrei Voronkov
Orienting Equalities with the Knuth-Bendix OrderMore Information... - Viktor Kuncak Martin C. Rinard
Structural Subtyping of Non-Recursive Types is DecidableMore Information... - Olivier Laurent Laurent Regnier
About Translations of Classical Logic into Polarized Linear LogicMore Information... - Leonid Libkin Frank Neven
Logical Definability and Query Languages over Unranked TreesMore Information... - James F. Lynch
Convergence Law for Random Graphs with Specified Degree SequenceMore Information... - Parthasarathy Madhusudan
Model-checking Trace Event StructuresMore Information... - Dale A. Miller Alwen F. Tiu
A Proof Theory for Generic Judgments: An extended abstractMore Information... - Andrzej S. Murawski
On Program Equivalence in Languages with Ground-Type ReferencesMore Information... - George C. Necula Robert R. Schneck
A Sound Framework for Untrusted Verification-Condition GeneratorsMore Information... - Paulo Oliva
Polynomial-time Algorithms from Ineffective ProofsMore Information... - Joël Ouaknine James Worrell
Revisiting Digitization, Robustness, and Decidability for Timed AutomataMore Information... - Marco Pistore Moshe Y. Vardi
The Planning Spectrum - One, Two, Three, InfinityMore Information... - Nir Piterman Moshe Y. Vardi
Micro-Macro Stack Systems: A New Frontier of Elementary Decidability for Sequential SystemsMore Information... - François Pottier
A Constraint-Based Presentation and Generalization of RowsMore Information... - Christophe Raffalli
System ST \beta-reduction and completenessMore Information... - Benjamin Rossman
Successor-Invariance in the FiniteMore Information... - Govert van Drimmelen
Satisfiability in Alternating-time Temporal LogicMore Information...
Short Presentations
Entries are ordered by surname of first author
- Marcelo Arenas Pablo Barceló Leonid Libkin
Game-based Notions of LocalityMore Information... - Eli Barzilay Stuart F. Allen Robert L. Constable
Practical Reflection in NuprlMore Information... - Stephen A. Cook Antonina Kolokolova
A second-order theory for NLMore Information... - Marc Denecker Eugenia Ternovska
Modularity Theorems for Non-Monotone InductionMore Information... - Benet Devereux
Assume-Guarantee Reasoning with FeaturesMore Information... - Martin Grohe Christoph Koch
Arb: An Implementation of Selecting Tree Automata for XML Query ProcessingMore Information... - Oleg Kiselyov
An applicative-order term rewriting system for code generation, and its termination analysisMore Information... - Simon Kramer
A Language and a Notion of Truth for Cryptographic PropertiesMore Information... - Steven Lindell
Linear-time algorithms for Monadic LogicMore Information... - James F. Lynch
A Proposal to Extend Abstract State Machines to Applications in Systems BiologyMore Information... - Tsuyoshi Morioka
The Relative Complexity of Local Search Heuristics and the Iteration PrincipleMore Information... - Pavel Naumov
Logic of SubtypingMore Information... - Shiva Nejati Arie Gurfinkel
Stuttering Refinement on Partial SystemsMore Information... - Frank J. Oles
Patterns Based on Multiple Interacting Partial OrdersMore Information...
General ChairSamson Abramsky (Oxford U.) Program ChairPhokion G. Kolaitis Conference ChairAmy Felty Philip Scott Publicity ChairAlex K. Simpson (U. of Edinburgh) |
Program Committee:Michael Benedikt (Bell Laboratories); Andreas R. Blass (U. of Michigan); Maria Luisa Bonet (UPC, Barcelona); Witold Charatonik (U. of Wroclaw); Marcelo P. Fiore (U. of Cambridge); Giorgio Ghelli (U. di Pisa); Thomas A. Henzinger (UC Berkeley); Alan Jeffrey (DePaul U.); Assaf J. Kfoury (Boston U.); Phokion G. Kolaitis (UC Santa Cruz); Orna Kupferman (Hebrew U.); Ursula Martin (U. of St Andrews); Paul-André Melliès (CNRS & U. Paris 7); Eugenio Moggi (U. di Genova); Ugo Montanari (U. di Pisa); Paliath Narendran (U. at Albany SUNY); C.-H. Luke Ong (U. of Oxford & Nat. U. of Singapore); Martin Otto (U. of Wales Swansea); Frank Pfenning (Carnegie Mellon U.); Miroslaw Truszczynski (U. of Kentucky) Organizing CommitteeMartín Abadi; Samson Abramsky (chair); Robert L. Constable; Nachum Dershowitz; Amy Felty; Harald Ganzinger; Harold N. Gabow; Joseph Y. Halpern; Ulrich Kohlenbach; Phokion G. Kolaitis; Daniel Leivant; Giuseppe Longo; Harry G. Mairson; John C. Mitchell; Eugenio Moggi; Mogens Nielsen; Gordon D. Plotkin; Vaughan R. Pratt; Simona Ronchi della Rocca; Philip J. Scott; Richard A. Shore; Alex K. Simpson; Iain A. Stewart; Jerzy Tiuryn; Moshe Y. Vardi; Glynn Winskel Advisory BoardMartín Abadi; Serge Abiteboul; Mariangiola Dezani-Ciancaglini; Joseph Y. Halpern; Russell Impagliazzo; Dexter C. Kozen; Leszek Pacholski; Andre Scedrov; Dana S. Scott; Jeannette M. Wing |