Paper: Full abstraction for nominal general references (at LICS 2007)
Winner of the Kleene Award in 2007
Authors: Nikos Tzevelekos
Game semantics has been used with considerable suc- cess in formulating fully abstract semantics for languages with higher-order procedures and a wide range of computa- tional effects. Recently, nominal games have been proposed for modeling functional languages with names. These are ordinary games cast in the theory of nominal sets devel- oped by Pitts and Gabbay. Here we take nominal games one step further, by developing a fully abstract semantics for a language with nominal general references.
@InProceedings{Tzevelekos-Fullabstractionforn, author = {Nikos Tzevelekos}, title = {Full abstraction for nominal general references}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS 2007)}, year = {2007}, month = {July}, pages = {399--408}, location = {Wroclaw, Poland}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society Press} }