On this page:
Invited Speakers
- John Baez
Computation and the Periodic Table - Edmund M. Clarke
My 27-year Quest to Overcome the State Explosion Problem - Dan R. Ghica
Applications of Game Semantics: From Program Analysis to Hardware Synthesis (tutorial) - Benjamin Rossman
Combining Ehrenfeucht-Fraïssé Games (tutorial)
Invited Papers
- Dan R. Ghica
Applications of Game Semantics: From Program Analysis to Hardware SynthesisMore Information...
Presented Papers
Entries are ordered by surname of first author
- Thorsten Altenkirch Peter Morris
Indexed ContainersMore Information... - Michele Basaldella Claudia Faggian
Ludics with Repetitions (Exponentials, Interactive Types and Completeness)More Information... - Jesper Bengtson Magnus Johansson Joachim Parrow Björn Victor
Psi-calculi: Mobile Processes, Nominal Data, and LogicMore Information... - Nathalie Bertrand Blaise Genest Hugo Gimbert
Qualitative Determinacy and Decidability of Stochastic Games with SignalsMore Information... - Alessandro Bianco Fabio Mogavero Aniello Murano
Graded Computation Tree LogicMore Information... - Mikołaj Bojańczyk Howard Straubing Igor Walukiewicz
Wreath Products of Forest Algebras, with Applications to Tree LogicsMore Information... - Udi Boker Orna Kupferman
Co-ing Büchi Made Tight and UsefulMore Information... - Marcello Bonsangue Jan Rutten Alexandra Silva
An Algebra for Kripke Polynomial CoalgebrasMore Information... - Andrei A. Bulatov Dániel Marx
The Complexity of Global Cardinality ConstraintsMore Information... - Yang Cai Ting Zhang Haifeng Luo
An Improved Lower Bound for the Complementation of Rabin AutomataMore Information... - Alberto Carraro Antonino Salibra
Reflexive Scott Domains are Not Complete for the Extensional Lambda CalculusMore Information... - Krishnendu Chatterjee Laurent Doyen Thomas A. Henzinger
Expressiveness and Closure Properties for Quantitative LanguagesMore Information... - Taolue Chen Tingting Han Joost-Pieter Katoen Alexandru Mereacre
Quantitative Model Checking of Continuous-Time Markov Chains Against Timed Automata SpecificationsMore Information... - Yijia Chen Jörg Flum
A Logic for PTIME and a Parameterized Halting ProblemMore Information... - Carles Creus Guillem Godoy Francesc Massanés Ashish Tiwari
Non-linear Rewrite Closure and Weak NormalizationMore Information... - Anuj Dawar Martin Grohe Bjarki Holm Bastian Laubner
Logics with Rank OperatorsMore Information... - Joachim de Lataillade
Dinatural Terms in System FMore Information... - Michel de Rougemont Mathieu Tracol
Statistic Analysis for Probabilistic ProcessesMore Information... - Luís Dominguez
Fully Abstract Logical Bisimilarity for a Polymorphic Object CalculusMore Information... - Derek Dreyer Amal J. Ahmed Lars Birkedal
Logical Step-Indexed Logical RelationsMore Information... - Arnaud Durand Miki Hermann Gustav Nordh
Trichotomy in the Complexity of Minimal InferenceMore Information... - Oliver Friedmann
An Exponential Lower Bound for the Parity Game Strategy Improvement Algorithm as We Know itMore Information... - Dan R. Ghica Adam Bakewell
Clipping: A Semantics-Directed Syntactic ApproximationMore Information... - Stefan Göller Richard Mayr Anthony Widjaja To
On the Computational Complexity of Verifying One-Counter ProcessesMore Information... - Kristoffer Arnsfelt Hansen Michal Koucký Peter Bro Miltersen
Winning Concurrent Reachability Games Requires Doubly-Exponential PatienceMore Information... - Martin Hofmann Ulrich Schöpp
Pointer Programs and Undirected ReachabilityMore Information... - Vineet Kahlon
Boundedness vs. Unboundedness of Lock Chains: Characterizing Decidability of CFL-Reachability for Threads Communicating via LocksMore Information... - Yevgeny Kazakov Ian Pratt-Hartmann
A Note on the Complexity of the Satisfiability Problem for Graded Modal LogicsMore Information... - Emanuel Kieronski Lidia Tendera
On Finite Satisfiability of Two-Variable First-Order Logic with Equivalence RelationsMore Information... - Naoki Kobayashi C.-H. Luke Ong
A Type System Equivalent to Modal Mu-Calculus Model Checking of Higher-Order Recursion SchemesMore Information... - Jérôme Leroux
The General Vector Addition System Reachability Problem by Presburger Inductive InvariantsMore Information... - Chuck Liang Dale A. Miller
A Unified Sequent Calculus for Focused ProofsMore Information... - Barnaby Martin Florent R. Madelaine
The Complexity of Positive First-order Logic without EqualityMore Information... - Samuel Mimram
The Structure of First-Order CausalityMore Information... - Sumit Nain Moshe Y. Vardi
Trace Semantics Is Fully AbstractMore Information... - C.-H. Luke Ong Nikos Tzevelekos
Functional ReachabilityMore Information... - Michele Pagani Christine Tasson
The Inverse Taylor Expansion Problem in Linear LogicMore Information... - Frank Pfenning Robert J. Simmons
Substructural Operational Semantics as Ordered Logic ProgrammingMore Information... - Tony Tan
Graph Reachability and Pebble Automata over Infinite AlphabetsMore Information...
General ChairMartín Abadi Program ChairAndrew M. Pitts Conference ChairJens Palsberg Publicity ChairStephan Kreutzer Nicole Schweikardt Workshops ChairMaribel Fernández Adriana Compagnoni |
Program Committee:Rance Cleaveland (University of Maryland); Karl Crary (Carnegie Mellon University); Rocco De Nicola (Università di Firenze); Gilles Dowek (École Polytechnique, Paris); Neil Immerman (U. of Massachusetts, Amherst); Radha Jagadeesan (DePaul University, USA); Claude Kirchner (INRIA Lorraine); Marta Z. Kwiatkowska (Ocford University); Benoit Larose (Concordia University); Soren Lassen (Google Inc.); Leonid Libkin (University of Edinburgh); Paul-André Melliès (CNRS & U. Paris Diderot); Eugenio Moggi (U. di Genova); Andrzej Murawski (Oxford University); Gopalan Nadathur (University of Minnesota); Prakash Panangaden (McGill University); Madhusudan Parthasarathy (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign); Nir Piterman (Imperial College London); Andrew M. Pitts (Cambridge University); Francois Pottier (INRIA); Vijay Saraswat (IBM TJ Watson Research Center); Lutz Schröder (DFKI-Lab Bremen); Nicole Schweikardt (Frankfurt University); Alwen Tiu (Australian National University); Hongseok Yank (Queen Mary University of London) Organizing CommitteeMartín Abadi; Samson Abramsky; Rajeev Alur; Giorgio Ausiello; Franz Baader; Steve Brookes; Samuel R. Buss; Adriana Compagnoni; Hal Gabow; Jürgen Giesl; Lauri Hella; Radha Jagadeesan; Phokion G. Kolaitis; Stephan Kreutzer; Richard E. Ladner; Johann A. Makowsky; Jerzy Marcinkowski; Luke Ong; Jens Palsberg; Frank Pfenning; Andrew Pitts; Nicole Schweikardt; Philip J. Scott; Margus Veanes Advisory BoardRobert L. Constable; Yuri Gurevich; Thomas A. Henzinger; Claude Kirchner; Dexter C. Kozen; Ursula Martin; John C. Mitchell; Leszek Pacholski; Gordon Plotkin; Vaughan R. Pratt; Andre Scedrov; Dana S. Scott; Moshe Y. Vardi; Glynn Winskel |