On this page:
Invited Speakers
- Pedro M. Domingos Daniel Lowd Stanley Kok Aniruddh Nath Hoifung Poon Matthew Richardson Parag Singla
Unifying Logical and Statistical AI - Mai Gehrke
Duality in Computer Science - Maurice Herlihy Mark Moir
Blockchains and the Logic of Accountability: Keynote Address - Joost-Pieter Katoen
The Probabilistic Model Checking Landscape
Presented Papers
Entries are ordered by surname of first author
- Kuen-Bang Hou (Favonia) Eric Finster Daniel R. Licata Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine
A Mechanization of the Blakers-Massey Connectivity Theorem in Homotopy Type TheoryMore Information... - Parosh Aziz Abdulla C. Aiswarya Mohamed Faouzi Atig
Data Communicating Processes with Unreliable ChannelsMore Information... - Mohamed Faouzi Atig Dmitry Chistikov Piotr Hofman K. Narayan Kumar Prakash Saivasan Georg Zetzsche
The complexity of regular abstractions of one-counter languagesMore Information... - Logics of Programs Gilles Barthe Marco Gaboardi Benjamin Grégoire Justin Hsu Pierre-Yves Strub
Proving Differential Privacy via Probabilistic CouplingsMore Information... - Libor Barto Michael Pinsker
The algebraic dichotomy conjecture for infinite domain Constraint Satisfaction ProblemsMore Information... - Henning Basold Herman Geuvers
Type Theory based on Dependent Inductive and Coinductive TypesMore Information... - Nicolas Behr Vincent Danos Ilias Garnier
Stochastic mechanics of graph rewritingMore Information... - Michael Benedikt Pierre Bourhis Balder ten Cate Gabriele Puppis
Querying Visible and Invisible InformationMore Information... - Michael Benedikt Pierre Bourhis Michael Vanden Boom
A Step Up in Expressiveness of Decidable Fixpoint LogicsMore Information... - Christoph Berkholz Jakob Nordström
Near-Optimal Lower Bounds on Quantifier Depth and Weisfeiler-Leman Refinement StepsMore Information... - Olaf Beyersdorff Ján Pich
Understanding Gentzen and Frege Systems for QBFMore Information... - Valentin Blot
Hybrid realizability for intuitionistic and classical choiceMore Information... - Manuel Bodirsky Antoine Mottet
Reducts of finitely bounded homogeneous structures, and lifting tractability from finite-domain constraint satisfactionMore Information... - Mikolaj Bojanczyk Michal Pilipczuk
Definability equals recognizability for graphs of bounded treewidthMore Information... - Filippo Bonchi Fabio Gadducci Aleks Kissinger Pawel Sobocinski Fabio Zanasi
Rewriting modulo symmetric monoidal structureMore Information... - Andrei A. Bulatov
Graphs of relational structures: restricted typesMore Information... - Arnaud Carayol Christof Löding Olivier Serre
Automata on Infinite Trees with Equality and Disequality Constraints Between SiblingsMore Information... - Luca Cardelli Mirco Tribastone Max Tschaikowski Andrea Vandin
Comparing Chemical Reaction Networks: A Categorical and Algorithmic PerspectiveMore Information... - Souymodip Chakraborty Joost-Pieter Katoen
On the Satisfiability of Some Simple Probabilistic LogicsMore Information... - Krishnendu Chatterjee Thomas A. Henzinger Jan Otop
Quantitative Automata under Probabilistic SemanticsMore Information... - Krishnendu Chatterjee Wolfgang Dvorák Monika Henzinger Veronika Loitzenbauer
Model and Objective Separation with Conditional Lower Bounds: Disjunction is Harder than ConjunctionMore Information... - Krishnendu Chatterjee Laurent Doyen
Perfect-Information Stochastic Games with Generalized Mean-Payoff ObjectivesMore Information... - Ventsislav Chonev Joël Ouaknine James Worrell
On Recurrent Reachability for Continuous Linear Dynamical SystemsMore Information... - Lorenzo Clemente Pawel Parys Sylvain Salvati Igor Walukiewicz
The Diagonal Problem for Higher-Order Recursion Schemes is DecidableMore Information... - Thomas Colcombet Stefan Göller
Games with bound guess actionsMore Information... - Martin C. Cooper Stanislav Zivny
The Power of Arc Consistency for CSPs Defined by Partially-Ordered Forbidden PatternsMore Information... - Loris D'Antoni Margus Veanes
Minimization of Symbolic Tree AutomataMore Information... - Emanuele D'Osualdo Roland Meyer Georg Zetzsche
First-order logic with reachability for infinite-state systemsMore Information... - Luc Dartois Emmanuel Filiot Pierre-Alain Reynier Jean-Marc Talbot
Two-Way Visibly Pushdown Automata and TransducersMore Information... - Anupam Das
From positive and intuitionistic bounded arithmetic to monotone proof complexityMore Information... - Laure Daviaud Pierre-Alain Reynier Jean-Marc Talbot
A Generalised Twinning Property for Minimisation of Cost Register AutomataMore Information... - Brijesh Dongol Robert M. Hierons
Decidability and Complexity for Quiescent ConsistencyMore Information... - Amina Doumane David Baelde Lucca Hirschi Alexis Saurin
Towards Completeness via Proof Search in the Linear Time μ-calculus: The case of Büchi inclusionsMore Information... - Ross Duncan Kevin Dunne
Interacting Frobenius Algebras are HopfMore Information... - Michael Elberfeld Marlin Frickenschmidt Martin Grohe
Order Invariance on Decomposable StructuresMore Information... - Matthias Englert Ranko Lazic Patrick Totzke
Reachability in Two-Dimensional Unary Vector Addition Systems with States is NL-CompleteMore Information... - Azadeh Farzan Zachary Kincaid Andreas Podelski
Proving Liveness of Parameterized ProgramsMore Information... - Diego Figueira
Semantically Acyclic Conjunctive Queries under Functional DependenciesMore Information... - Emmanuel Filiot Olivier Gauwin Nathan Lhote
First-order definability of rational transductions: An algebraic approachMore Information... - Wan Fokkink Rob J. van Glabbeek
Divide and Congruence II: Delay and Weak BisimilarityMore Information... - Brendan Fong Pawel Sobocinski Paolo Rapisarda
A categorical approach to open and interconnected dynamical systemsMore Information... - Jakub Gajarský Petr Hlinený Jan Obdrzálek Daniel Lokshtanov M. S. Ramanujan
A New Perspective on FO Model Checking of Dense Graph ClassesMore Information... - Alex Galicki
Effective Brenier Theorem: Applications to Computable Analysis and Algorithmic RandomnessMore Information... - Silvio Ghilardi Sam van Gool
Monadic second order logic as the model companion of temporal logicMore Information... - Lucas Heimberg Dietrich Kuske Nicole Schweikardt
Hanf normal form for first-order logic with unary counting quantifiersMore Information... - Wataru Hino Hiroki Kobayashi Ichiro Hasuo Bart Jacobs
Healthiness from DualityMore Information... - Dominic J. D. Hughes Willem Heijltjes
Conflict nets: Efficient locally canonical MALL proof netsMore Information... - Guilhem Jaber Gabriel Lewertowski Pierre-Marie Pédrot Matthieu Sozeau Nicolas Tabareau
The Definitional Side of the ForcingMore Information... - Guilhem Jaber Nikos Tzevelekos
Trace semantics for polymorphic referencesMore Information... - Alan Jeffrey James Riely
On Thin Air Reads Towards an Event Structures Model of Relaxed MemoryMore Information... - Akitoshi Kawamura Florian Steinberg Martin Ziegler
Complexity Theory of (Functions on) Compact Metric SpacesMore Information... - Bakh Khoussainov
Quantifier Free Definability on Infinite AlgebrasMore Information... - Stefan Kiefer A. Prasad Sistla
Distinguishing Hidden Markov ChainsMore Information... - Sandra Kiefer Pascal Schweitzer
Upper Bounds on the Quantifier Depth for Graph Differentiation in First Order LogicMore Information... - Decidability Leszek Aleksander Kolodziejczyk Henryk Michalewski
How unprovable is Rabin's decidability theorem?More Information... - Eryk Kopczynski
Invisible Pushdown LanguagesMore Information... - Dexter Kozen
Kolmogorov Extension, Martingale Convergence, and Compositionality of ProcessesMore Information... - Marcin Kozik
Weak consistency notions for all the CSPs of bounded widthMore Information... - Nicolai Kraus
Constructions with Non-Recursive Higher Inductive TypesMore Information... - Andreas Krebs Kamal Lodaya Paritosh K. Pandya Howard Straubing
Two-variable Logic with a Between RelationMore Information... - Ugo Dal Lago
Infinitary Lambda Calculi from a Linear PerspectiveMore Information... - J. Laird
Fixed Points In Quantitative SemanticsMore Information... - Ranko Lazic Sylvain Schmitz
The Complexity of Coverability in ν-Petri NetsMore Information... - Tuomo Lempiäinen
Ability to Count Messages Is Worth Θ(Δ) Rounds in Distributed ComputingMore Information... - Chuck Liang
Unified Semantics and Proof System for Classical, Intuitionistic and Affine LogicsMore Information... - Sarah M. Loos André Platzer
Differential Refinement LogicMore Information... - Radu Mardare Prakash Panangaden Gordon D. Plotkin
Quantitative Algebraic ReasoningMore Information... - Damiano Mazza
Church Meets Cook and LevinMore Information... - Paul-André Melliès Noam Zeilberger
A bifibrational reconstruction of Lawvere's presheaf hyperdoctrineMore Information... - Rasmus E. Møgelberg Marco Paviotti
Denotational semantics of recursive types in synthetic guarded domain theoryMore Information... - Federico Olmedo Benjamin Lucien Kaminski Joost-Pieter Katoen Christoph Matheja
Reasoning about Recursive Probabilistic ProgramsMore Information... - Joël Ouaknine Amaury Pouly João Sousa Pinto James Worrell
Solvability of Matrix-Exponential EquationsMore Information... - Dirk Pattinson Lutz Schröder
Program Equivalence is CoinductiveMore Information... - Iosif Petrakis
A constructive function-theoretic approach to topological compactnessMore Information... - Damien Pous
Coinduction All the Way UpMore Information... - Thomas Powell
Gödel's functional interpretation and the concept of learningMore Information... - Viorel Preoteasa Stavros Tripakis
Towards Compositional Feedback in Non-Deterministic and Non-Input-Receptive SystemsMore Information... - Antonino Salibra Giulio Manzonetto Giordano Favro
Factor Varieties and Symbolic ComputationMore Information... - Thomas Seiller
Interaction Graphs: Full Linear LogicMore Information... - Sam Staton Hongseok Yang Frank Wood Chris Heunen Ohad Kammar
Semantics for probabilistic programming: higher-order functions, continuous distributions, and soft constraintsMore Information... - Thomas Sturm Marco Voigt Christoph Weidenbach
Deciding First-Order Satisfiability when Universal and Existential Variables are SeparatedMore Information... - Games and Logic Takeshi Tsukada C.-H. Luke Ong
Plays as Resource Terms via Non-idempotent Intersection TypesMore Information... - Takeo Uramoto
Semi-galois Categories I: The Classical Eilenberg Variety TheoryMore Information... - Steen Vester
Winning Cores in Parity GamesMore Information... - Thomas Zeume Frederik Harwath
Order-Invariance of Two-Variable Logic is DecidableMore Information...
General ChairMartin Grohe Program ChairNatarajan Shankar Conference ChairEric Koskinen Publicity ChairSam Staton Workshops ChairPatricia Bouyer-Decitre |
Program Committee:Albert Atserias (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya); Steve Awodey (Carnegie Mellon University); Christel Baier (TU Dresden); Nick Benton (Microsoft Research); Nathalie Bertrand (INRIA Rennes); Achim Blumensath (Masaryk University); Mikołaj Bojańczyk (Warsaw University); Patricia Bouyer (CNRS, ENS Cachan); James Brotherston (University College London); Corina Cîrstea (University of Southampton); Véronique Cortier (CNRS, LORIA); Gilles Dowek (INRIA & ENS Cachan); Thomas Ehrhard (Université Paris Diderot); Diego Figueira (LaBRI); Stefan Göller (CNRS, ENS Cachan); Jean Goubault-Larrecq (ENS Cachan); Neil Immerman (University of Massachusetts, Amherst); Bart Jacobs (Radboud University Nijmegen); Elham Kashefi (CNRS, Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris 6 & University of Edinburgh); Antonín Kučera (Masaryk University); Carsten Lutz (Universität Bremen); Barnaby Martin (Durham University); Stefan Milius (Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg); David Monniaux (CNRS, VERIMAG); Joel Ouaknine (MPI-SWS & University of Oxford); Dominique Perrin (Université Paris-Est); Brigitte Pientka (McGill University); Alexander Rabinovich (Tel Aviv University); Ofer Strichman (Technion); Christine Tasson (Université Paris Diderot); Margus Veanes (Microsoft Research) |