On this page:
Invited Speakers
- Thomas Colcombet
Logic and regular cost functions - Kousha Etessami
Algorithms for some infinite-state MDPs and stochastic games - C.-H. Luke Ong
Quantitative semantics of the lambda calculus: Some generalisations of the relational model - Corina S. Pasareanu
Symbolic execution and probabilistic reasoning
Invited Papers
- C.-H. Luke Ong
Quantitative semantics of the lambda calculus: Some generalisations of the relational modelMore Information...
Presented Papers
Entries are ordered by surname of first author
- Samson Abramsky Anuj Dawar Pengming Wang
The pebbling comonad in Finite Model TheoryMore Information... - Bahareh Afshari Graham E. Leigh
Cut-free completeness for modal mu-calculusMore Information... - Marcelo Arenas Martin Muñoz Cristian Riveros
Descriptive Complexity for counting complexity classesMore Information... - Federico Aschieri Agata Ciabattoni Francesco A. Genco
Gödel logic: From natural deduction to parallel computationMore Information... - Patrick Bahr Hans Bugge Grathwohl Rasmus E. Møgelberg
The clocks are ticking: No more delays!More Information... - Paolo Baldan Andrea Corradini Fabio Gadducci
Domains and event structures for fusionsMore Information... - Krzysztof Bar Jamie Vicary
Data structures for quasistrict higher categoriesMore Information... - Libor Barto Michael Kompatscher Miroslav Olsák Trung Van Pham Michael Pinsker
The equivalence of two dichotomy conjectures for infinite domain constraint satisfaction problemsMore Information... - Félix Baschenis Olivier Gauwin Anca Muscholl Gabriele Puppis
Untwisting two-way transducers in elementary timeMore Information... - Michael Benedikt Timothy Duff Aditya Sharad James Worrell
Polynomial automata: Zeroness and applicationsMore Information... - Stefano Berardi Makoto Tatsuta
Equivalence of inductive definitions and cyclic proofs under arithmeticMore Information... - Raphaël Berthon Bastien Maubert Aniello Murano Sasha Rubin Moshe Y. Vardi
Strategy logic with imperfect informationMore Information... - Malgorzata Biernacka Dariusz Biernacki Sergueï Lenglet Piotr Polesiuk Damien Pous Alan Schmitt
Fully abstract encodings of λ-calculus in HOcore through abstract machinesMore Information... - Jasmin Christian Blanchette Fabian Meier Andrei Popescu Dmitriy Traytel
Foundational nonuniform (Co)datatypes for higher-order logicMore Information... - Michael Blondin Christoph Haase
Logics for continuous reachability in Petri nets and vector addition systems with statesMore Information... - Valentin Blot
An interpretation of system F through bar recursionMore Information... - Simone Bova Fabio Mogavero
Herbrand property, finite quasi-Herbrand models, and a Chandra-Merlin theorem for quantified conjunctive queriesMore Information... - Ulrik Buchholtz Egbert Rijke
The real projective spaces in homotopy type theoryMore Information... - Andrei A. Bulatov
Constraint satisfaction problems over semilattice block Mal'tsev algebrasMore Information... - Michaël Cadilhac Charles Paperman
A crevice on the Crane Beach: Finite-degree predicatesMore Information... - Felix Canavoi Martin Otto
Common knowledge and multi-scale locality analysis in Cayley structuresMore Information... - Florent Capelli
Understanding the complexity of #SAT using knowledge compilationMore Information... - Venanzio Capretta Jonathan Fowler
The continuity of monadic stream functionsMore Information... - Gérard Cécé
Foundation for a series of efficient simulation algorithmsMore Information... - Julien Cervelle Grégory Lafitte
On shift-invariant maximal filters and hormonal cellular automataMore Information... - Rohit Chadha A. Prasad Sistla Mahesh Viswanathan
Verification of randomized security protocolsMore Information... - Hubie Chen Stefan Mengel
The logic of counting query answersMore Information... - Yu-Fang Chen Ondrej Lengál Tony Tan Zhilin Wu
Register automata with linear arithmeticMore Information... - Lorenzo Clemente Slawomir Lasota Ranko Lazic Filip Mazowiecki
Timed pushdown automata and branching vector addition systemsMore Information... - Thomas Colcombet Marcin Jurdzinski Ranko Lazic Sylvain Schmitz
Perfect half space gamesMore Information... - Thierry Coquand Bassel Mannaa Fabian Ruch
Stack semantics of type theoryMore Information... - Wojciech Czerwiński Slawomir Lasota
Regular separability of one counter automataMore Information... - Ugo Dal Lago Ryo Tanaka Akira Yoshimizu
The geometry of concurrent interaction: Handling multiple ports by way of multiple tokensMore Information... - Ugo Dal Lago Francesco Gavazzo Paul Blain Levy
Effectful applicative bisimilarity: Monads, relators, and Howe's methodMore Information... - Anuj Dawar Pengming Wang
Definability of semidefinite programming and lasserre lower bounds for CSPsMore Information... - Amina Doumane
Constructive completeness for the linear-time μ-calculusMore Information... - Andrej Dudenhefner Jakob Rehof
Typability in bounded dimensionMore Information... - Abbas Edalat Mehrdad Maleki
Differentiation in logical formMore Information... - Javier Esparza Anca Muscholl Igor Walukiewicz
Static analysis of deterministic negotiationsMore Information... - Emmanuel Filiot Ismaël Jecker Nathan Lhote Guillermo A. Pérez Jean-François Raskin
On delay and regret determinization of max-plus automataMore Information... - Eric Finster Samuel Mimram
A type-theoretical definition of weak ω-categoriesMore Information... - Robert Furber Dexter Kozen Kim G. Larsen Radu Mardare Prakash Panangaden
Unrestricted stone duality for Markov processesMore Information... - Mai Gehrke Daniela Petrisan Luca Reggio
Quantifiers on languages and codensity monadsMore Information... - Rob J. van Glabbeek
Lean and full congruence formats for recursionMore Information... - Martin Grohe Martin Ritzert
Learning first-order definable concepts over structures of small degreeMore Information... - Martin Grohe Wied Pakusa
Descriptive complexity of linear equation systems and applications to propositional proof complexityMore Information... - Berit Grußien
Capturing polynomial time using Modular DecompositionMore Information... - Christoph Haase Stefan Kiefer Markus Lohrey
Computing quantiles in Markov chains with multi-dimensional costsMore Information... - Simon Halfon Philippe Schnoebelen Georg Zetzsche
Decidability, complexity, and expressiveness of first-order logic over the subword orderingMore Information... - André Hernich Phokion G. Kolaitis
Foundations of information integration under bag semanticsMore Information... - Chris Heunen Ohad Kammar Sam Staton Hongseok Yang
A convenient category for higher-order probability theoryMore Information... - Jan van den Heuvel Stephan Kreutzer Michal Pilipczuk Daniel A. Quiroz Roman Rabinovich Sebastian Siebertz
Model-checking for successor-invariant first-order formulas on graph classes of bounded expansionMore Information... - Piotr Hofman Jérôme Leroux Patrick Totzke
Linear combinations of unordered data vectorsMore Information... - Martin Hofmann Jeremy Ledent
A cartesian-closed category for higher-order model checkingMore Information... - Mathieu Hoyrup Walid Gomaa
On the extension of computable real functionsMore Information... - Emmanuel Jeandel
Enumeration reducibility in closure spaces with applications to logic and algebraMore Information... - Marcin Jurdzinski Ranko Lazic
Succinct progress measures for solving parity gamesMore Information... - Benjamin Lucien Kaminski Joost-Pieter Katoen
A weakest pre-expectation semantics for mixed-sign expectationsMore Information... - Ohad Kammar Paul Blain Levy Sean K. Moss Sam Staton
A monad for full ground reference cellsMore Information... - G. A. Kavvos
Dual-context calculi for modal logicMore Information... - Bakh Khoussainov Toru Takisaka
Large scale geometries of infinite stringsMore Information... - Stefan Kiefer Richard Mayr Mahsa Shirmohammadi Dominik Wojtczak
Parity objectives in countable MDPsMore Information... - Sandra Kiefer Ilia Ponomarenko Pascal Schweitzer
The Weisfeiler-Leman dimension of planar graphs is at most 3More Information... - Stefan Kiefer Richard Mayr Mahsa Shirmohammadi Dominik Wojczak
On strong determinacy of countable stochastic gamesMore Information... - Aleks Kissinger Sander Uijlen
A categorical semantics for causal structureMore Information... - Dietrich Kuske Nicole Schweikardt
First-order logic with countingMore Information... - Radu Mardare Prakash Panangaden Gordon D. Plotkin
On the axiomatizability of quantitative algebrasMore Information... - Richard Mayr Sven Schewe Patrick Totzke Dominik Wojtczak
MDPs with energy-parity objectivesMore Information... - Paul-André Melliès
Higher-order parity automataMore Information... - Matteo Mio Robert Furber Radu Mardare
Riesz Modal logic for Markov processesMore Information... - Yoshiki Nakamura
Partial derivatives on graphs for Kleene allegoriesMore Information... - Dusko Pavlovic Peter-Michael Seidel
Quotients in monadic programming: Projective algebras are equivalent to coalgebrasMore Information... - Pierre-Marie Pédrot Nicolas Tabareau
An effectful way to eliminate addiction to dependenceMore Information... - Thomas Place Marc Zeitoun
Separation for dot-depth twoMore Information... - Karin Quaas Mahsa Shirmohammadi James Worrell
Revisiting reachability in timed automataMore Information... - Vincent Rahli Mark Bickford Robert L. Constable
Bar induction: The good, the bad, and the uglyMore Information... - Miguel Romero Pablo Barceló Moshe Y. Vardi
The homomorphism problem for regular graph patternsMore Information... - Matthias Schröder Florian Steinberg
Bounded time computation on metric spaces and Banach spacesMore Information... - Dimitri Surinx Jan Van den Bussche Dirk Van Gucht
The primitivity of operators in the algebra of binary relations under conjunctions of containmentsMore Information... - Johan Thapper Stanislav Zivny
The limits of SDP relaxations for general-valued CSPsMore Information... - Takeshi Tsukada Kazuyuki Asada C.-H. Luke Ong
Generalised species of rigid resource termsMore Information... - Iddo Tzameret Stephen A. Cook
Uniform, integral and efficient proofs for the determinant identitiesMore Information... - Taichi Uemura
Fibred fibration categoriesMore Information... - Natsuki Urabe Masaki Hara Ichiro Hasuo
Categorical liveness checking by corecursive algebrasMore Information... - Pierre Vial
Infinitary intersection types as sequences: A new answer to Klop's problemMore Information... - Marco Voigt
A fine-grained hierarchy of hard problems in the separated fragmentMore Information... - Michal Wrona
The complexity of minimal inference problem for conservative constraint languagesMore Information... - Faried Abu Zaid Anuj Dawar Erich Grädel Wied Pakusa
Definability of summation problems for Abelian groups and semigroupsMore Information... - Martin Zimmermann
Games with costs and delaysMore Information...
General ChairMartin Grohe Program ChairJoël Ouaknine Conference ChairLuca Aceto and Anna Ingólfsdóttir Publicity ChairSam Staton Workshops ChairPatricia Bouyer |
Program Committee:Albert Atserias (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya); Steve Awodey (Carnegie Mellon University); Christel Baier (TU Dresden); Nick Benton (Microsoft Research); Nathalie Bertrand (INRIA Rennes); Achim Blumensath (Masaryk University); Mikołaj Bojańczyk (Warsaw University); Patricia Bouyer (CNRS, ENS Cachan); James Brotherston (University College London); Corina Cîrstea (University of Southampton); Véronique Cortier (CNRS, LORIA); Gilles Dowek (INRIA & ENS Cachan); Thomas Ehrhard (Université Paris Diderot); Diego Figueira (LaBRI); Stefan Göller (CNRS, ENS Cachan); Jean Goubault-Larrecq (ENS Cachan); Neil Immerman (University of Massachusetts, Amherst); Bart Jacobs (Radboud University Nijmegen); Elham Kashefi (CNRS, Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris 6 & University of Edinburgh); Antonín Kučera (Masaryk University); Carsten Lutz (Universität Bremen); Barnaby Martin (Durham University); Stefan Milius (Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg); David Monniaux (CNRS, VERIMAG); Joel Ouaknine (MPI-SWS & University of Oxford); Dominique Perrin (Université Paris-Est); Brigitte Pientka (McGill University); Alexander Rabinovich (Tel Aviv University); Ofer Strichman (Technion); Christine Tasson (Université Paris Diderot); Margus Veanes (Microsoft Research) |