On this page:
Invited Speakers
- Andrei Bulatov
Tutorial: A short story of the CSP dichotomy conjecture - Daniele Petrisan
Tutorial: A categorical approach to automata theory - Nicole Schweikardt
Local normal forms and their use in algorithmic meta theorems - Peter Selinger
Number-theoretic methods in quantum computing - James Worrell
Orbit Problems for Linear Dynamical Systems
Invited Papers
- Nicole Schweikardt
Local normal forms and their use in algorithmic meta theoremsMore Information...
Presented Papers
Entries are ordered by surname of first author
- Samson Abramsky Rui Soares Barbosa Martti Karvonen Shane Mansfield
A comonadic view of simulation and quantum resourcesMore Information... - Nathanael L. Ackerman Jeremy Avigad Cameron E. Freer Daniel M. Roy Jason M. Rute
Algorithmic barriers to representing conditional independenceMore Information... - Bharat Adsul Saptarshi Sarkar A. V. Sreejith
Block products for algebras over countable words and applications to logicMore Information... - S. Akshay Paul Gastin Vincent Jugé Shankara Narayanan Krishna
Timed Systems through the Lens of LogicMore Information... - Arthur Azevedo de Amorim Marco Gaboardi Justin Hsu Shin-ya Katsumata
Probabilistic Relational Reasoning via MetricsMore Information... - Albert Atserias Anuj Dawar Joanna Ochremiak
On the Power of Symmetric Linear ProgramsMore Information... - Martin Avanzini Ugo Dal Lago Alexis Ghyselen
Type-Based Complexity Analysis of Probabilistic Functional ProgramsMore Information... - Christel Baier Nathalie Bertrand Jakob Piribauer Ocan Sankur
Long-run Satisfaction of Path PropertiesMore Information... - Pablo Barceló Cristina Feier Carsten Lutz Andreas Pieris
When is Ontology-Mediated Querying Efficient? 1-13 Willem BMore Information... - Libor Barto
Promises Make Finite (Constraint Satisfaction) Problems InfinitaryMore Information... - Bartosz Bednarczyk Stéphane Demri
Why Propositional Quantification Makes Modal Logics on Trees Robustly Hard? 1-13 Patricia Johann, Andrew Polonsky: Higher-Kinded Data Types: Syntax and SemanticsMore Information... - Steffen van Bergerem
Learning Concepts Definable in First-Order Logic with CountingMore Information... - Manuel Bodirsky Antoine Mottet Miroslav Olsák Jakub Oprsal Michael Pinsker Ross Willard
Topology is relevant (in a dichotomy conjecture for infinite-domain constraint satisfaction problems)More Information... - Mikolaj Bojanczyk Edon Kelmendi Michal Skrzypczak
MSO+nabla is undecidableMore Information... - Filippo Bonchi Ana Sokolova Valeria Vignudelli
The Theory of Traces for Systems with Nondeterminism and ProbabilityMore Information... - Filippo Bonchi Robin Piedeleu Pawel Sobocinski Fabio Zanasi
Graphical Affine AlgebraMore Information... - Andrei A. Bulatov
A short story of the CSP dichotomy conjectureMore Information... - Clément Carbonnel Miguel Romero Stanislav Zivny
Point-width and Max-CSPsMore Information... - Krishnendu Chatterjee Laurent Doyen
Graph Planning with Expected Finite HorizonMore Information... - Xiaohong Chen Grigore Rosu
Matching μ-LogicMore Information... - Norine Coenen Bernd Finkbeiner Christopher Hahn Jana Hofmann
The Hierarchy of HyperlogicsMore Information... - Mohammad-Javad Davari Abbas Edalat André Lieutier
The convex hull of finitely generable subsets and its predicate transformerMore Information... - Alejandro Díaz-Caro Mauricio Guillermo Alexandre Miquel Benoît Valiron
Realizability in the Unitary SphereMore Information... - Clovis Eberhart Bartek Klin
History-Dependent Nominal μ-CalculusMore Information... - Sebastian Enqvist Helle Hvid Hansen Clemens Kupke Johannes Marti Yde Venema
Completeness for Game LogicMore Information... - Claudia Faggian Simona Ronchi della Rocca
Lambda Calculus and Probabilistic ComputationMore Information... - Marcelo Fiore Philip Saville
A type theory for cartesian closed bicategories (Extended Abstract)More Information... - Brendan Fong David I. Spivak Rémy Tuyéras
Backprop as Functor: A compositional perspective on supervised learningMore Information... - Simon Forest Samuel Mimram
Describing free $\omega$ -categoriesMore Information... - Jean Goubault-Larrecq
A Probabilistic and Non-Deterministic Call-by-Push-Value LanguageMore Information... - Etienne Grandjean Théo Grente
Descriptive complexity for minimal time of cellular automataMore Information... - Martin Grohe Daniel Neuen
Canonisation and Definability for Graphs of Bounded Rank WidthMore Information... - Florent Guépin Christoph Haase James Worrell
On the Existential Theories of Büchi Arithmetic and Linear p-adic FieldsMore Information... - Christoph Haase Georg Zetzsche
Presburger arithmetic with stars, rational subsets of graph groups, and nested zero testsMore Information... - Heijltjes Dominic J. D. Hughes Lutz Straßburger
Intuitionistic proofs without syntaxMore Information... - Mathieu Huot Sam Staton
Quantum channels as a categorical completionMore Information... - Petr Jancar Sylvain Schmitz
Bisimulation Equivalence of First-Order Grammars is ACKERMANN-CompleteMore Information... - Emmanuel Jeandel Simon Perdrix Renaud Vilmart
A Generic Normal Form for ZX-Diagrams and Application to the Rational Angle CompletenessMore Information... - Jean Christoph Jung Fabio Papacchini Frank Wolter Michael Zakharyaschev
Model Comparison Games for Horn Description LogicsMore Information... - Naoki Kobayashi Ugo Dal Lago Charles Grellois
On the Termination Problem for Probabilistic Higher-Order Recursive ProgramsMore Information... - Yuichi Komorida Shin-ya Katsumata Nick Hu Bartek Klin Ichiro Hasuo
Codensity Games for BisimilarityMore Information... - Nicolai Kraus Jakob von Raumer
Path Spaces of Higher Inductive Types in Homotopy Type TheoryMore Information... - Orna Kupferman Gal Vardi
Perspective GamesMore Information... - Stepan Kuznetsov
The Logic of Action Lattices is UndecidableMore Information... - Ugo Dal Lago Naohiko Hoshino
The Geometry of Bayesian ProgrammingMore Information... - Jérôme Leroux Sylvain Schmitz
Reachability in Vector Addition Systems is Primitive-Recursive in Fixed DimensionMore Information... - Moritz Lichter Ilia Ponomarenko Pascal Schweitzer
Walk refinement, walk logic, and the iteration number of the Weisfeiler-Leman algorithmMore Information... - Paul-André Melliès
Template games and differential linear logicMore Information... - C.-H. Luke Ong Dominik Wagner
HoCHC: A Refutationally Complete and Semantically Invariant System of Higher-order Logic Modulo TheoriesMore Information... - Brigitte Pientka David Thibodeau Andreas Abel Francisco Ferreira Rébecca Zucchini
A Type Theory for Defining Logics and ProofsMore Information... - Nicola Pinzani Stefano Gogioso Bob Coecke
Categorical Semantics for Time TravelMore Information... - Thomas Place Marc Zeitoun
Separation and covering for group based concatenation hierarchiesMore Information... - David Reutter Jamie Vicary
High-level methods for homotopy construction in associative n-categoriesMore Information... - Tetsuya Sato Gilles Barthe Marco Gaboardi Justin Hsu Shin-ya Katsumata
Approximate Span Liftings: Compositional Semantics for Relaxations of Differential PrivacyMore Information... - Nicole Schweikardt
Local normal forms and their use in algorithmic meta theorems (Invited Talk)More Information... - David Sprunger Shin-ya Katsumata
Differentiable Causal Computations via Delayed TraceMore Information... - Cédric Ho Thanh Pierre-Louis Curien Samuel Mimram
A Sequent Calculus for OpetopesMore Information... - Dominique Unruh
Quantum Hoare Logic with Ghost VariablesMore Information... - Renaud Vilmart
A Near-Minimal Axiomatisation of ZX-Calculus for Pure Qubit Quantum MechanicsMore Information... - Igor Walukiewicz
Lambda Y-Calculus With PrioritiesMore Information... - Maaike Zwart Dan Marsden
No-Go Theorems for Distributive LawsMore Information...
General ChairDale Miller Program ChairPatricia Bouyer Conference ChairAndrei Bulatov Publicity ChairSam Staton Workshops Chair
Frederic Blanqui |
Program Committee:Parosh A. Abdulla (Uppsala University, Sweden); Luca Aceto (Reykjavik University, Iceland / Gran Sasso Science Institute, Italy); C. Aiswarya (Chennai Mathematical Institute, India); Myrto Arapinis (University of Edinburgh, UK); Lars Birkedal (Aarhus University, Denmark); Patricia Bouyer (CNRS, France); Arnaud Carayol (CNRS, France); Kaustuv Chaudhuri (Inria, France); Thierry Coquand (University of Gothenburg, Sweden); Kousha Etessami (University of Edinburgh, UK); Maribel Fernandez (King's College London, UK); Santiago Figueira (Univ. Buenos Aires, Argentina); Mai Gehrke (CNRS, France); Stefan Kiefer (University of Oxford, UK); Aleks Kissinger (Radboud Univ., NL); Barbara König (Univ. Duisburg-Essen, Germany); Laura Kovács (TU Wien, Austria); Stephan Kreutzer (TU Berlin, Germany); Antonín Kučera (Masaryk University, Czech Republic); Sławomir Lasota (University of Warsaw, Poland); Ranko Lazić (University of Warwick, UK); Stefan Mengel (CNRS, France); Catuscia Palamidessi (Inria, France); Prakash Panangaden (McGill University, Canada); Sophie Pinchinat (University of Rennes, France); Andrew M. Pitts (University of Cambridge, UK); Karin Quaas (Universität Leipzig, Germany); Jean-François Raskin (Univ. Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium); Pierre-Alain Reynier (Aix-Marseille University, France); Tony Tan (National Taiwan University, Taiwan); Victor Vianu (U.C. San Diego, USA) |