
IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science

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Thirty fourth Annual IEEE Symposium on

Logic in Computer Science (LICS 2019)

2019-06-24 to 2019-06-27, Vancouver

On this page:

Invited Speakers

Invited Papers

Presented Papers

Entries are ordered by surname of first author


General Chair

Dale Miller
Ecole Polytechnique

Program Chair

Patricia Bouyer
CNRS, France

Conference Chair

Andrei Bulatov
Simon Fraser University

Publicity Chair

Sam Staton
University of Oxford

Workshops Chair

Frederic Blanqui
INRIA, France

Program Committee:

Parosh A. Abdulla (Uppsala University, Sweden); Luca Aceto (Reykjavik University, Iceland / Gran Sasso Science Institute, Italy); C. Aiswarya (Chennai Mathematical Institute, India); Myrto Arapinis (University of Edinburgh, UK); Lars Birkedal (Aarhus University, Denmark); Patricia Bouyer (CNRS, France); Arnaud Carayol (CNRS, France); Kaustuv Chaudhuri (Inria, France); Thierry Coquand (University of Gothenburg, Sweden); Kousha Etessami (University of Edinburgh, UK); Maribel Fernandez (King's College London, UK); Santiago Figueira (Univ. Buenos Aires, Argentina); Mai Gehrke (CNRS, France); Stefan Kiefer (University of Oxford, UK); Aleks Kissinger (Radboud Univ., NL); Barbara König (Univ. Duisburg-Essen, Germany); Laura Kovács (TU Wien, Austria); Stephan Kreutzer (TU Berlin, Germany); Antonín Kučera (Masaryk University, Czech Republic); Sławomir Lasota (University of Warsaw, Poland); Ranko Lazić (University of Warwick, UK); Stefan Mengel (CNRS, France); Catuscia Palamidessi (Inria, France); Prakash Panangaden (McGill University, Canada); Sophie Pinchinat (University of Rennes, France); Andrew M. Pitts (University of Cambridge, UK); Karin Quaas (Universität Leipzig, Germany); Jean-François Raskin (Univ. Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium); Pierre-Alain Reynier (Aix-Marseille University, France); Tony Tan (National Taiwan University, Taiwan); Victor Vianu (U.C. San Diego, USA)

Last modified: 2024-10-249:41
Sam Staton