On this page:
Invited Speakers
- Mariangiola Dezani-Ciancaglini
A tale of intersection types - Erich Grädel
Automatic Structures: Twenty Years Later - Jérôme Leroux
When Reachability Meets Grzegorczyk - Brigitte Pientka
Contextual Types, Explained: Invited Tutorial - Andrew Yao
An Incentive Analysis of Some Bitcoin Fee Designs
Invited Papers
- Viviana Bono Mariangiola Dezani-Ciancaglini
A tale of intersection typesMore Information... - Erich Grädel
Automatic Structures: Twenty Years LaterMore Information... - Jérôme Leroux
When Reachability Meets GrzegorczykMore Information... - Brigitte Pientka
Contextual Types, Explained: Invited TutorialMore Information...
Presented Papers
Entries are ordered by surname of first author
- Matteo Acclavio Ross Horne Lutz Straßburger
Logic Beyond Formulas: A Proof System on GraphsMore Information... - Benedikt Ahrens Paige Randall North Michael Shulman Dimitris Tsementzis
A Higher Structure Identity PrincipleMore Information... - Thorsten Altenkirch Luis Scoccola
The Integers as a Higher Inductive TypeMore Information... - Rajeev Alur Yu Chen Kishor Jothimurugan Sanjeev Khanna
Space-efficient Query Evaluation over Probabilistic Event StreamsMore Information... - Arthur Azevedo de Amorim Matt Fredrikson Limin Jia
Reconciling noninterference and gradual typingMore Information... - Nathanael Arkor Marcelo Fiore
Algebraic models of simple type theories: A polynomial approachMore Information... - Pranav Ashok Krishnendu Chatterjee Jan Kretínský Maximilian Weininger Tobias Winkler
Approximating Values of Generalized-Reachability Stochastic GamesMore Information... - A. R. Balasubramanian
Complexity of controlled bad sequences over finite sets of NdMore Information... - Gilles Barthe Rohit Chadha Vishal Jagannath A. Prasad Sistla Mahesh Viswanathan
Deciding Differential Privacy for Programs with Finite Inputs and OutputsMore Information... - Gilles Barthe Charlie Jacomme Steve Kremer
Universal equivalence and majority of probabilistic programs over finite fieldsMore Information... - Bartosz Bednarczyk Stéphane Demri Raul Fervari Alessio Mansutti
Modal Logics with Composition on Finite Forests: Expressivity and ComplexityMore Information... - Francesco Belardinelli Catalin Dima Vadim Malvone Ferucio Laurentiu Tiplea
A Hennessy-Milner Theorem for ATL with Imperfect InformationMore Information... - Raphaël Berthon Shibashis Guha Jean-François Raskin
Mixing Probabilistic and non-Probabilistic Objectives in Markov Decision ProcessesMore Information... - Olaf Beyersdorff Joshua Blinkhorn Meena Mahajan
Hardness Characterisations and Size-Width Lower Bounds for QBF ResolutionMore Information... - Michael Blondin Mikhail A. Raskin
The Complexity of Reachability in Affine Vector Addition Systems with StatesMore Information... - Manuel Bodirsky Wied Pakusa Jakub Rydval
Temporal Constraint Satisfaction Problems in Fixed-Point LogicMore Information... - Mikolaj Bojanczyk Amina Doumane
First-order tree-to-tree functionsMore Information... - Mikolaj Bojanczyk Edon Kelmendi Rafal Stefanski Georg Zetzsche
Extensions of ω-Regular LanguagesMore Information... - Peio Borthelle Tom Hirschowitz Ambroise Lafont
A Cellular Howe TheoremMore Information... - Jendrik Brachter Pascal Schweitzer
On the Weisfeiler-Leman Dimension of Finite GroupsMore Information... - Angelos Charalambidis Giannos Chatziagapis Panos Rondogiannis
A Fixed Point Theorem on Lexicographic Lattice StructuresMore Information... - Dmitry Chistikov Mikhail Vyalyi
Re-pairing bracketsMore Information... - Gianluca Curzi Michele Pagani
The Benefit of Being Non-Lazy in Probabilistic λ-calculus: Applicative Bisimulation is Fully Abstract for Non-Lazy Probabilistic Call-by-NameMore Information... - Wojciech Czerwinski Georg Zetzsche
An Approach to Regular Separability in Vector Addition SystemsMore Information... - Thomas Ehrhard
Cones as a model of intuitionistic linear logicMore Information... - Grzegorz Fabianski Michal Skrzypczak Szymon Torunczyk
Uniformisations of Regular Relations Over Bi-Infinite WordsMore Information... - John Fearnley Rasmus Ibsen-Jensen Rahul Savani
One-Clock Priced Timed Games are PSPACE-hardMore Information... - Johannes Klaus Fichte Markus Hecher Andreas Pfandler
Lower Bounds for QBFs of Bounded TreewidthMore Information... - Marcelo Fiore Philip Saville
Coherence and normalisation-by-evaluation for bicategorical cartesian closed structureMore Information... - Peng Fu Kohei Kishida Peter Selinger
Linear Dependent Type Theory for Quantum Programming Languages: Extended AbstractMore Information... - Stefan Göller Pawel Parys
Bisimulation Finiteness of Pushdown Systems Is ElementaryMore Information... - Alexandre Goy Daniela Petrisan
Combining probabilistic and non-deterministic choice via weak distributive lawsMore Information... - Clemens Grabmayer Wan J. Fokkink
A Complete Proof System for 1-Free Regular Expressions Modulo BisimilarityMore Information... - Julien Grange
Successor-Invariant First-Order Logic on Classes of Bounded DegreeMore Information... - Daniel Gratzer G. A. Kavvos Andreas Nuyts Lars Birkedal
Multimodal Dependent Type TheoryMore Information... - Martin Grohe
Counting Bounded Tree Depth HomomorphismsMore Information... - Jim de Groot Dirk Pattinson
Modal Intuitionistic Logics as Dialgebraic LogicsMore Information... - Emmanuel Hainry Bruce M. Kapron Jean-Yves Marion Romain Péchoux
A tier-based typed programming language characterizing Feasible FunctionalsMore Information... - Miika Hannula Juha Kontinen Jan Van den Bussche Jonni Virtema
Descriptive complexity of real computation and probabilistic independence logicMore Information... - Hugo Herbelin Étienne Miquey
A calculus of expandable stores: Continuation-and-environment-passing style translationsMore Information... - Pawel M. Idziak Piotr Kawalek Jacek Krzaczkowski
Intermediate problems in modular circuits satisfiabilityMore Information... - Russell Impagliazzo Sasank Mouli Toniann Pitassi
The Surprising Power of Constant Depth Algebraic ProofsMore Information... - Shin-ya Katsumata Exequiel Rivas Tarmo Uustalu
Interaction Laws of Monads and ComonadsMore Information... - Delia Kesner Pierre Vial
Consuming and Persistent Types for Classical LogicMore Information... - Jérémie Koenig Zhong Shao
Refinement-Based Game Semantics for Certified Abstraction LayersMore Information... - András Kovács Ambrus Kaposi
Large and Infinitary Quotient Inductive-Inductive TypesMore Information... - Nicolai Kraus Jakob von Raumer
Coherence via Well-Foundedness: Taming Set-Quotients in Homotopy Type TheoryMore Information... - Antonín Kucera Jérôme Leroux Dominik Velan
Efficient Analysis of VASS Termination ComplexityMore Information... - Karoliina Lehtinen Martin Zimmermann
Good-for-games ω-Pushdown AutomataMore Information... - Nathan Lhote
Pebble Minimization of Polyregular FunctionsMore Information... - Umang Mathur Andreas Pavlogiannis Mahesh Viswanathan
The Complexity of Dynamic Data Race PredictionMore Information... - Kuldeep S. Meel S. Akshay
Sparse Hashing for Scalable Approximate Model Counting: Theory and PracticeMore Information... - Paul-André Melliès Léo Stefanesco
Concurrent Separation Logic Meets Template GamesMore Information... - Matthew Moore Taylor Walenczyk
The Hidden Subgroup Problem for Universal AlgebrasMore Information... - Pierre-Marie Pédrot
Russian Constructivism in a Prefascist TheoryMore Information... - Thomas Powell
On the computational content of Zorn's lemmaMore Information... - Revantha Ramanayake
Extended Kripke lemma and decidability for hypersequent substructural logicsMore Information... - Christian Sattler Andrea Vezzosi
Partial Univalence in n-truncated Type TheoryMore Information... - Peter Schuster Daniel Wessel
Resolving finite indeterminacy: A definitive constructive universal prime ideal theoremMore Information... - Salomon Sickert Javier Esparza
An Efficient Normalisation Procedure for Linear Temporal Logic and Very Weak Alternating AutomataMore Information... - Kristina Sojakova Floris van Doorn Egbert Rijke
Sequential Colimits in Homotopy Type TheoryMore Information... - Cong Tian Wensheng Wang Zhenhua Duan
Making Streett Determinization TightMore Information... - Szymon Torunczyk Thomas Zeume
Register Automata with Extrema Constraints, and an Application to Two-Variable LogicMore Information... - Takeshi Tsukada
On Computability of Logical Approaches to Branching-Time Property Verification of ProgramsMore Information... - Henning Urbat Lutz Schröder
Automata Learning: An Algebraic ApproachMore Information... - Matthew Z. Weaver Daniel R. Licata
A Constructive Model of Directed Univalence in Bicubical SetsMore Information... - Niels van der Weide
Constructing Higher Inductive Types as Groupoid QuotientsMore Information... - Abraham Westerbaan Bas Westerbaan John van de Wetering
A characterisation of ordered abstract probabilitiesMore Information... - Michal Wrona
On The Relational Width of First-Order Expansions of Finitely Bounded Homogeneous Binary Cores with Bounded Strict WidthMore Information...
General ChairDale Miller Program ChairNaoki Kobayashi Conference ChairHolger Hermanns and Lijun Zhang Publicity ChairSam Staton Workshops Chair
Frederic Blanqui |
Program Committee:Andreas Abel (Gothenburg University, Sweden); Steve Awodey (Carnegie Mellon University, USA); Christel Baier (TU Dresden, Germany); Supratik Chakraborty (IIT Bombay, India); Yijia Chen (Fudan University, China); Pierre Clairambault (CNRS & ENS Lyon, France); Ugo Dal Lago (University of Bologna & INRIA, Italy); Laure Daviaud (City, University of London, UK); Anuj Dawar (University of Cambridge, UK); Josée Desharnais (Université Laval, Canada); Jörg Endrullis (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, NL); Emmanuel Filiot (Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium); Rob van Glabbeek (Data61, CSIRO, Sydney, Australia); Emmanuel Jeandel (Université de Lorraine, France); Bakhadyr Khoussainov (The University of Auckland, New Zealand); Hélène Kirchner (INRIA, France); Naoki Kobayashi (The University of Tokyo, Japan); Antonina Kolokolova (Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada); Orna Kupferman (Hebrew University, Israel); Radu Mardare (University of Strathclyde, UK); David Monniaux (CNRS & University of Grenoble, France); Joanna Ochremiak (CNRS & University of Bordeaux, France); Valeria de Paiva (Samsung Research America and University of Birmingham, USA); Elaine Pimentel (UFRN, Brazil); André Platzer (Carnegie Mellon University, USA); Davide Sangiorgi (University of Bologna & INRIA, Italy); Alex Simpson (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia); Pawel Sobocinski (Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia); Viorica Sofronie-Stokkermans (University Koblenz-Landau, Germany); Sam Staton (University of Oxford, UK); Christine Tasson (Université de Paris, IRIF, France); Makoto Tatsuta (National Institute of Informatics, Japan); Igor Walukiewicz (CNRS & University of Bordeaux,France); James Worrell (University of Oxford, UK) |