
IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science

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Thirty eighth Annual IEEE Symposium on

Logic in Computer Science (LICS 2023)

2023-06-26 to 2023-06-29, Boston, USA

On this page:

Invited Speakers

Presented Papers

Entries are ordered by surname of first author


General Chair

Orna Kupferman
Hebrew University

Program Chair

Igor Walukiewicz
CNRS, Université de Bordeaux, France

Conference Chair

Marco Gaboardi
Boston University

Publicity Chair

Sam Staton
University of Oxford

Workshops Chair

Valentin Blot
INRIA, France

Program Committee:

Igor Walukiewicz (CNRS, Université de Bordeaux, France); S. Akshay (IIT Bombay, India); Shaull Almagor (Technion, Israel); Pablo Barcelo (Universidad Católica de Chile); Manuel Bodirsky (TU Dresden, Germany); Dmitry Chistikov (University of Warwick, UK); Ugo Dal Lago (University of Bologna & INRIA Sophia Antipolis); Anuj Dawar (University of Cambridge, UK); Valeria de Paiva (Topos Institute, Berkeley, USA); Stephane Demri (CNRS, LMF, France); Yuxin Deng (East China Normal University, China); Arnaud Durand (Université Paris Cité, France); Claudia Faggian: (IRIF, CNRS and Université Paris Cité); Maribel Fernández (King's College London, UK); Matthew Hague (Royal Holloway University of London, UK); Justin Hsu (Cornell University, USA); Shin-ya Katsumata (National Institute of Informatics, Japan); Alex Kavvos (University of Bristol, UK); Stefan Kiefer (University of Oxford, UK); Bartek Klin (University of Oxford, UK); Naoki Kobayashi (University of Tokyo, Japan); Barbara Koenig (Duisburg-Essen, Germany); Laura Kovács (Vienna University of Technology, Austria); Filip Mazowiecki (University of Warsaw); Damiano Mazza (CNRS, LIPN, France); Catuscia Palamidessi (INRIA, LIX, France); Daniela Petrisan (IRIF, France); André Platzer (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany); Damien Pous (CNRS, LIP, France); Pawel Sobocinski (Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia); Szymon Toruńczyk (University of Warsaw, Poland); Frits Vaandrager (Radboud University, The Netherlands); Fabio Zanasi (University College London, UK); Georg Zetzsche (MPI-SWS, Germany); Thomas Zeume (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany)

Last modified: 2024-10-249:41
Sam Staton