On this page:
Invited Speakers
- Adnan Darwiche
Tutorial: Logic for Explainable AI - Azadeh Farzan
Tutorial: Commutativity in Automated Program Verification - Dale Miller
A system of inference based on proof search: an extended abstract - Tonian Pitassi
TBA - Dan Suciu
Applications of Information Inequalities to Database Theory Problems
Presented Papers
Entries are ordered by surname of first author
- functional PCSP dichotomy. 1-12 Benjamin Aminof Giuseppe De Giacomo Sasha Rubin Florian Zuleger
Stochastic Best-Effort Strategies for Borel GoalsMore Information... - Georgios Argyris Alberto Lluch-Lafuente Alexander Leguizamon-Robayo Mirco Tribastone Max Tschaikowski Andrea Vandin
Minimization of Dynamical Systems over MonoidsMore Information... - David Baelde Adrien Koutsos Joseph Lallemand
A Higher-Order Indistinguishability Logic for Cryptographic ReasoningMore Information... - Nikhil Balaji Lorenzo Clemente Klara Nosan Mahsa Shirmohammadi James Worrell
Multiplicity Problems on Algebraic Series and Context-Free GrammarsMore Information... - Libor Barto Bertalan Bodor Marcin Kozik Antoine Mottet Michael Pinsker
Symmetries of Graphs and Structures that Fail to Interpret a Finite ThingMore Information... - Jason P. Bell Daniel Smertnig
Computing the linear hull: Deciding Deterministic? and Unambiguous? for weighted automata over fieldsMore Information... - Michael Benedikt Ehud Hrushovski
Embedded Finite Models beyond Restricted Quantifier CollapseMore Information... - Massimo Benerecetti Laura Bozzelli Fabio Mogavero Adriano Peron
Quantifying Over Trees in Monadic Second-Order LogicMore Information... - Steffen van Bergerem Martin Grohe Sandra Kiefer Luca Oeljeklaus
Simulating Logspace-Recursion with Logarithmic Quantifier DepthMore Information... - Pascal Bergsträßer Moses Ganardi
Revisiting Membership Problems in Subclasses of Rational RelationsMore Information... - Michael Blondin Philip Offtermatt Alex Sansfaçon-Buchanan
Verifying linear temporal specifications of constant-rate multi-mode systemsMore Information... - Mikolaj Bojanczyk
Folding interpretationsMore Information... - Mikolaj Bojanczyk
On the Growth Rates of Polyregular FunctionsMore Information... - Benedict Bunting Andrzej S. Murawski
Operational Algorithmic Game SemanticsMore Information... - Titouan Carette Louis Lemonnier Vladimir Zamdzhiev
Central Submonads and Notions of Computation: Soundness, Completeness and Internal LanguagesMore Information... - Titouan Carette Timothée Hoffreumon Émile Larroque Renaud Vilmart
Complete Graphical Language for Hermiticity-Preserving SuperoperatorsMore Information... - Agata Ciabattoni Timo Lang Revantha Ramanayake
Cut-Restriction: From Cuts to Analytic CutsMore Information... - Pierre Clairambault Federico Olimpieri Hugo Paquet
From Thin Concurrent Games to Generalized Species of StructuresMore Information... - Pierre Clairambault Simon Forest
The Cartesian Closed Bicategory of Thin Spans of GroupoidsMore Information... - Alexandre Clément Nicolas Heurtel Shane Mansfield Simon Perdrix Benoît Valiron
A Complete Equational Theory for Quantum CircuitsMore Information... - Thomas Colcombet Gaëtan Douéneau-Tabot Aliaume Lopez
ℤ-polyregular functionsMore Information... - Gianluca Curzi Anupam Das
Computational expressivity of (circular) proofs with fixed pointsMore Information... - Fredrik Dahlqvist Alexandra Silva William Smith
Deterministic stream-sampling for probabilistic programming: semantics and verificationMore Information... - Adnan Darwiche
Logic for Explainable AIMore Information... - Laure Daviaud David Purser
The Big-O Problem for Max-Plus Automata is Decidable (PSPACE-Complete)More Information... - Ruiwen Dong
The Identity Problem in the special affine group of Z2More Information... - Jan Dreier Jamie Tucker-Foltz
Pseudorandom Finite ModelsMore Information... - Thomas Ehrhard Aymeric Walch
Cartesian Coherent Differential CategoriesMore Information... - Azadeh Farzan
Commutativity in Automated VerificationMore Information... - David Fernández-Duque Quentin Gougeon
Fixed Point Logics on Hemimetric SpacesMore Information... - Johannes Klaus Fichte Robert Ganian Markus Hecher Friedrich Slivovsky Sebastian Ordyniak
Structure-Aware Lower Bounds and Broadening the Horizon of Tractability for QBFMore Information... - Diego Figueira Santiago Figueira Edwin Pin Baque
PDL on Steroids: on Expressive Extensions of PDL with Intersection and ConverseMore Information... - Zeinab Galal
Fixpoint operators for 2-categorical structuresMore Information... - Francesco Gavazzo
Allegories of Symbolic ManipulationsMore Information... - Faraz Ghahremani Edon Kelmendi Joël Ouaknine
Reachability in Injective Piecewise Affine MapsMore Information... - Arka Ghosh Piotr Hofman Slawomir Lasota
Orbit-finite linear programmingMore Information... - Marianna Girlando Roman Kuznets Sonia Marin Marianela Morales Lutz Straßburger
Intuitionistic S4 is decidableMore Information... - Éric Goubault Roman Kniazev Jérémy Ledent Sergio Rajsbaum
Semi-Simplicial Set Models for Distributed KnowledgeMore Information... - Martin Grohe
The Descriptive Complexity of Graph Neural NetworksMore Information... - Martin Grohe Moritz Lichter Daniel Neuen
The Iteration Number of the Weisfeiler-Leman AlgorithmMore Information... - Jessie Grosen David M. Kahn Jan Hoffmann
Automatic Amortized Resource Analysis with Regular Recursive TypesMore Information... - Amar Hadzihasanovic Diana Kessler
Higher-Dimensional Subdiagram MatchingMore Information... - Jelle Hellings Marc Gyssens Jan Van den Bussche Dirk Van Gucht
Expressive Completeness of Two-Variable First-Order Logic with Counting for First-Order Logic Queries on Rooted Unranked TreesMore Information... - Mathieu Huot Alexander K. Lew Vikash K. Mansinghka Sam Staton
ωPAP Spaces: Reasoning Denotationally About Higher-Order, Recursive Probabilistic and Differentiable ProgramsMore Information... - Tomás Jakl Dan Marsden Nihil Shah
A categorical account of composition methods in logicMore Information... - Tom de Jong Nicolai Kraus Fredrik Nordvall Forsberg Chuangjie Xu
Set-Theoretic and Type-Theoretic Ordinals CoincideMore Information... - Toghrul Karimov Edon Kelmendi Joris Nieuwveld Joël Ouaknine James Worrell
The Power of PositivityMore Information... - Marie Kerjean Jean-Simon Pacaud Lemay
Taylor Expansion as a Monad in Models of DiLLMore Information... - Vasileios Koutavas Yu-Yang Lin Nikos Tzevelekos
Fully Abstract Normal Form Bisimulation for Call-by-Value PCFMore Information... - Jan Kretínský Tobias Meggendorfer Maximilian Weininger
Stopping Criteria for Value Iteration on Stochastic Games with Quantitative ObjectivesMore Information... - Elena Di Lavore Mario Román
Evidential Decision Theory via Partial Markov CategoriesMore Information... - Axel Ljungström Anders Mörtberg
Formalizing π4(S3) ≅Z/2Z and Computing a Brunerie Number in Cubical AgdaMore Information... - Dale Miller
A system of inference based on proof search: an extended abstractMore Information... - Dario Della Monica Angelo Montanari Gabriele Puppis Pietro Sala
The Logic of Prefixes and Suffixes is Elementary under Homogeneity*More Information... - Tamio-Vesa Nakajima Stanislav Zivný
Boolean symmetric vsMore Information... - Yoshiki Nakamura
Existential Calculi of Relations with Transitive Closure: Complexity and Edge SaturationsMore Information... - Yue Niu Robert Harper
A Metalanguage for Cost-Aware Denotational SemanticsMore Information... - Damian Niwinski Pawel Parys Michal Skrzypczak
The Probabilistic Rabin Tree Theorem*More Information... - Thomas Place Marc Zeitoun
Group Separation Strikes BackMore Information... - Boldizsár Poór Quanlong Wang Razin A. Shaikh Lia Yeh Richie Yeung Bob Coecke
Completeness for arbitrary finite dimensions of ZXW-calculus, a unifying calculusMore Information... - Wojciech Przybyszewski
Distal Combinatorial Tools for Graphs of Bounded Twin-WidthMore Information... - Ken Sakayori Davide Sangiorgi
Extensional and Non-extensional Functions as ProcessesMore Information... - Dan Suciu
Applications of Information Inequalities to Database Theory ProblemsMore Information... - Henning Urbat Stelios Tsampas Sergey Goncharov Stefan Milius Lutz Schröder
Weak Similarity in Higher-Order Mathematical Operational SemanticsMore Information... - Yuanhong Wang Juhua Pu Yuyi Wang Ondrej Kuzelka
On Exact Sampling in the Two-Variable Fragment of First-Order LogicMore Information... - Tobias Winkler Joost-Pieter Katoen
On Certificates, Expected Runtimes, and Termination in Probabilistic Pushdown AutomataMore Information... - Glynn Winskel
Making Concurrency FunctionalMore Information...
General ChairOrna Kupferman Program ChairIgor Walukiewicz Conference ChairMarco Gaboardi Publicity ChairSam Staton Workshops Chair
Valentin Blot |
Program Committee:Igor Walukiewicz (CNRS, Université de Bordeaux, France); S. Akshay (IIT Bombay, India); Shaull Almagor (Technion, Israel); Pablo Barcelo (Universidad Católica de Chile); Manuel Bodirsky (TU Dresden, Germany); Dmitry Chistikov (University of Warwick, UK); Ugo Dal Lago (University of Bologna & INRIA Sophia Antipolis); Anuj Dawar (University of Cambridge, UK); Valeria de Paiva (Topos Institute, Berkeley, USA); Stephane Demri (CNRS, LMF, France); Yuxin Deng (East China Normal University, China); Arnaud Durand (Université Paris Cité, France); Claudia Faggian: (IRIF, CNRS and Université Paris Cité); Maribel Fernández (King's College London, UK); Matthew Hague (Royal Holloway University of London, UK); Justin Hsu (Cornell University, USA); Shin-ya Katsumata (National Institute of Informatics, Japan); Alex Kavvos (University of Bristol, UK); Stefan Kiefer (University of Oxford, UK); Bartek Klin (University of Oxford, UK); Naoki Kobayashi (University of Tokyo, Japan); Barbara Koenig (Duisburg-Essen, Germany); Laura Kovács (Vienna University of Technology, Austria); Filip Mazowiecki (University of Warsaw); Damiano Mazza (CNRS, LIPN, France); Catuscia Palamidessi (INRIA, LIX, France); Daniela Petrisan (IRIF, France); André Platzer (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany); Damien Pous (CNRS, LIP, France); Pawel Sobocinski (Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia); Szymon Toruńczyk (University of Warsaw, Poland); Frits Vaandrager (Radboud University, The Netherlands); Fabio Zanasi (University College London, UK); Georg Zetzsche (MPI-SWS, Germany); Thomas Zeume (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany) |