On this page:
Invited Speakers
- Sam Buss
Tutorial: Provability, totality, and complexity in bounded arithmetic - Martin Escardo
Topology in constructive mathematics and computer science - Alexandra Silva
Semirings in Logic, Semantics, and Verification - Alex Simpson
Tutorial: A tutorial on sheaf semantics
Presented Papers
Entries are ordered by surname of first author
- Bharat Adsul Paul Gastin Shantanu Kulkarni Pascal Weil
An expressively complete local past propositional dynamic logic over Mazurkiewicz traces and its applicationsMore Information... - Cameron Allett
Non-Elementary Compression of First-Order Proofs in Deep Inference Using Epsilon-TermsMore Information... - Ashwani Anand Sylvain Schmitz Lia Schütze Georg Zetzsche
Verifying Unboundedness via AmalgamationMore Information... - Victor Arrial Giulio Guerrieri Delia Kesner
Genericity Through StratificationMore Information... - Ali Asadi Krishnendu Chatterjee Jakub Svoboda Raimundo Saona Urmeneta
Deterministic Sub-exponential Algorithm for Discounted-sum Games with Unary WeightsMore Information... - A. R. Balasubramanian
Decidability and Complexity of Decision Problems for Affine Continuous VASSMore Information... - Demian Banakh Marcin Kozik
Injective hardness condition for PCSPsMore Information... - Chris Barrett Daniel Castle Willem Heijltjes
The Relational Machine CalculusMore Information... - Libor Barto Silvia Butti Alexandr Kazda Caterina Viola Stanislav Zivný
Algebraic Approach to ApproximationMore Information... - Valérie Berthé Toghrul Karimov Joris Nieuwveld Joël Ouaknine Mihir Vahanwala James Worrell
On the Decidability of Monadic Second-Order Logic with Arithmetic PredicatesMore Information... - Victor Blanchi Hugo Paquet
Element-free probability distributions and random partitionsMore Information... - Michael Blondin Alain Finkel Piotr Hofman Filip Mazowiecki Philip Offtermatt
Soundness of reset workflow netsMore Information... - Manuel Bodirsky Zaneta Semanisinová Carsten Lutz
The Complexity of Resilience Problems via Valued Constraint Satisfaction ProblemsMore Information... - Mikolaj Bojanczyk Pierre Ohlmann
Rank-decreasing transductionsMore Information... - Udi Boker
Discounted-Sum Automata with Real-Valued Discount FactorsMore Information... - Filippo Bonchi Alessandro Di Giorgio Nathan Haydon Pawel Sobocinski
Diagrammatic Algebra of First Order LogicMore Information... - Sougata Bose Rasmus Ibsen-Jensen Patrick Totzke
Bounded-Memory Strategies in Partial-Information GamesMore Information... - Ulrik Torben Buchholtz Johannes Schipp von Branitz
Primitive Recursive Dependent Type TheoryMore Information... - Benedict Bunting Andrzej S. Murawski
Contextual Equivalence for State and Control via Nested DataMore Information... - Pierre Cagne Ulrik Torben Buchholtz Nicolai Kraus Marc Bezem
On symmetries of spheres in univalent foundationsMore Information... - Antonio Casares Pierre Ohlmann
Positional ω-regular languagesMore Information... - Miroslav Chodil Antonín Kucera
The Finite Satisfiability Problem for PCTL is UndecidableMore Information... - Lorenzo Ciardo
Quantum advantage and CSP complexityMore Information... - Lorenzo Ciardo Marcin Kozik Andrei A. Krokhin Tamio-Vesa Nakajima Stanislav Zivný
1-in-3 vsMore Information... - Laura Ciobanu Georg Zetzsche
Slice closures of indexed languages and word equations with counting constraintsMore Information... - Pierre Clairambault Simon Forest
An Analysis of Symmetry in Quantitative SemanticsMore Information... - Alexandre Clément Noé Delorme Simon Perdrix
Minimal Equational Theories for Quantum CircuitsMore Information... - Liron Cohen Yannick Forster Dominik Kirst Bruno da Rocha Paiva Vincent Rahli
Separating Markov's PrinciplesMore Information... - Víctor Dalmau Jakub Oprsal
Local consistency as a reduction between constraint satisfaction problemsMore Information... - Anupam Das Abhishek De
A proof theory of right-linear (ω-)grammars via cyclic proofsMore Information... - Danila Demin Maksim Zhukovskii
First order complexity of finite random structuresMore Information... - Emmanuel Filiot Ismaël Jecker Christof Löding Anca Muscholl Gabriele Puppis Sarah Winter
Finite-valued Streaming String TransducersMore Information... - Eric Finster Alex Rice Jamie Vicary
A Syntax for Strictly Associative and Unital ∞-CategoriesMore Information... - Oskar Fiuk Emanuel Kieronski Vincent Michielini
On the complexity of Maslov's class KMore Information... - Jakub Gajarský Michal Pilipczuk Marek Sokolowski Giannos Stamoulis Szymon Torunczyk
Elementary first-order model checking for sparse graphsMore Information... - Zeinab Galal Jean-Simon Pacaud Lemay
Combining fixpoint and differentiation theoryMore Information... - Arka Ghosh Slawomir Lasota
Equivariant ideals of polynomialsMore Information... - Pietro Di Gianantonio Abbas Edalat
A Cartesian Closed Category for Random VariablesMore Information... - Sergey Goncharov Stefan Milius Stelios Tsampas Henning Urbat
Bialgebraic Reasoning on Higher-order Program EquivalenceMore Information... - Martin Grohe Eran Rosenbluth
Are Targeted Messages More Effective? 40:1-40:14 Emmanuel Hainry, Bruce MMore Information... - Masahito Hasegawa Serge Lechenne
Braids, Twists, Trace and Duality in Combinatory AlgebrasMore Information... - James Hefford Matthew Wilson
A Profunctorial Semantics for Quantum SupermapsMore Information... - Tal Hershko Maksim Zhukovskii
First order distinguishability of sparse random graphsMore Information... - Stefan Hetzl Raheleh Jalali
On the Completeness of Interpolation AlgorithmsMore Information... - Ismaël Jecker Filip Mazowiecki David Purser
Determinisation and Unambiguisation of Polynomially-Ambiguous Rational Weighted AutomataMore Information... - Kapron Jean-Yves Marion Romain Péchoux
Declassification Policy for Program Complexity AnalysisMore Information... - Amin Karamlou Nihil Shah
No Go Theorems: Directed Containers That Do Not Distribute Over Distribution MonadsMore Information... - Nadim Kasymov Nadira Karimova Bakh Khoussainov
Defining algorithmically presented structures in first order logicMore Information... - Marie Morgane Kerjean Pierre-Marie Pédrot
δ is for DialecticaMore Information... - Eren Keskin Roland Meyer
On the Separability Problem of VASS Reachability LanguagesMore Information... - Sandra Kiefer Daniel Neuen
Bounding the Weisfeiler-Leman Dimension via a Depth Analysis of I/R-TreesMore Information... - Søren Brinck Knudstorp
Relevant S is UndecidableMore Information... - Mayuko Kori Kazuki Watanabe Jurriaan Rot Shin-ya Katsumata
Composing Codensity BisimulationsMore Information... - Vasileios Koutavas Yu-Yang Lin Nikos Tzevelekos
Pushdown Normal-Form Bisimulation: A Nominal Context-Free Approach to Program EquivalenceMore Information... - Nathan Lhote Vincent Michielini Michal Skrzypczak
Uniformisation of Regular Relations in First-Order Logic with Two VariablesMore Information... - John M. Li Jon Aytac Philip Johnson-Freyd Amal Ahmed Steven Holtzen
A Nominal Approach to Probabilistic Separation LogicMore Information... - Tim Lyon Piotr Ostropolski-Nalewaja
Decidability of Quasi-Dense Modal LogicsMore Information... - Samuel Mimram Émile Oleon
Delooping cyclic groups with lens spaces in homotopy type theoryMore Information... - Fabian Mitterwallner Aart Middeldorp René Thiemann
Linear Termination is UndecidableMore Information... - Yoàv Montacute Glynn Winskel
Concurrent Games over Relational Structures: The Origin of Game ComonadsMore Information... - Not-All-Equal
Dichotomy of a broken promiseMore Information... - Hugo Paquet Philip Saville
Effectful semantics in bicategories: strong, commutative, and concurrent pseudomonadsMore Information... - Kirstin Peters Nobuko Yoshida
Separation and Encodability in Mixed Choice Multiparty SessionsMore Information... - Maximilian Pflueger Johannes Marti Egor V. Kostylev
A Characterisation Theorem for Two-Way Bisimulation-Invariant Monadic Least Fixpoint Logic Over Finite StructuresMore Information... - Thomas Place Marc Zeitoun
Dot-depth three, return of the J-classMore Information... - Pierre-Marie Pédrot
"Upon This Quote I Will Build My Church Thesis"More Information... - Wojciech Rozowski Alexandra Silva
A Completeness Theorem for Probabilistic Regular ExpressionsMore Information... - Christian Sattler David Wärn
Natural numbers from integersMore Information... - Nicole Schirrmacher Sebastian Siebertz Giannos Stamoulis Dimitrios M. Thilikos Alexandre Vigny
Model Checking Disjoint-Paths Logic on Topological-Minor-Free Graph ClassesMore Information... - Alex Simpson
Equivalence and Conditional Independence in Atomic Sheaf LogicMore Information... - Harry Vinall-Smeeth
From Quantifier Depth to Quantifier Number: Separating Structures with k VariablesMore Information... - Noah Abou El Wafa André Platzer
Complete Game Logic with SabotageMore Information... - Thorsten Wißmann Stefan Milius
Initial Algebras Unchained - A Novel Initial Algebra Construction Formalized in AgdaMore Information...
General ChairOrna Kupferman Program ChairUgo Dal Lago and Javier Esparza Conference ChairPawel Sobocinski Publicity ChairSam Staton Workshops Chair
Valentin Blot |
Program Committee:Mohamed Faouzi Atig (Uppsala University); Steve Awodey (CMU ); Libor Barto (Charles University, Prague); Lars Birkedal (Aarhus University); Pierre Clairambault (CNRS & Aix-Marseille Université); Thierry Coquand (University of Gothenburg); Wojciech Czerwinski (Univ. Warsaw); Ugo Dal Lago (University of Bologna); Laurent Doyen (CNRS); Javier Esparza (TUM); Emmanuel Filiot (Univ. Libre de Bruxelles); Bernd Finkbeiner (CISPA); Cameron Freer (MIT); Moses Ganardi (MPI-SWS); Pierre Ganty (IMDEA Software); Deepak Garg (MPI-SWS); Francesco Gavazzo (University of Pisa); Silvia Ghilezan (University of Novi Sad); Rob van Glabbeek (Univ. Edinburgh); Christoph Haase (University of Oxford); Masahito Hasegawa (Kyoto University); Ichiro Hasuo (Nat. Inst. of Informatics); Ohad Kammar (University of Edinburgh); Bruce Kapron (University of Victoria); Juha Kontinen (University of Helsinki); Cynthia Kop (Radboud University); S.N. Krishna (IIT Bombay); Andrzej Murawski (University of Oxford); Sara Negri (University of Genova); Petr Novotný (Masaryk University); Michele Pagani (ENS Lyon); Simon Perdrix (Inria, Loria); Sasha Rubin (University of Sydney); Lutz Schröder (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg); Peter Selinger (Dalhousie University); Ana Sokolova (University of Salzburg); Lutz Strassburger (Inria Saclay); Mirco Tribastone (IMT Lucca); Anthony Widjaja Lin (University of Kaiserslautern & MPI-SWS); Nobuko Yoshida (University of Oxford) |