IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science

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LICS Awards

LICS Test-of-Time Award

The LICS Test-of-Time Award recognizes a small number of papers from the LICS proceedings from 20 years prior (i.e., papers from LICS 1986 — the first LICS conference — were considered in 2006) that have best met the "test of time".
The papers are selected by an awards committee that is appointed by the LICS General Chair and consists of between three to five members. The committee is renewed every year; at the discretion of the General Chair, members may be reappointed to the awards committee.
In selecting these papers, the Awards Committee should consider the influence that the papers have had since publication; because of the foundational nature of LICS work, impact is often not fully felt immediately, hence the 20-year perspective.
The Award Committee is expected to select 1–2 papers. However, the Award Committee may choose to select no paper from a given year, or may select up to 3 papers.
All papers from the given year are eligible for this award, except those that are authored or co-authored by members of the Awards Committee. There is no formal nomination process for this award, but input from the LICS community is welcome.
A list of all LICS Test-of-Time Award winners can be found here.

Kleene Award for the Best Student Paper

Each year, an award in honour of the late S.C. Kleene is given for the best student paper accepted at the LICS conference.
To be considered for the Kleene award each coauthor of the paper should satisfy one of the following criteria:

  1. the author is a current student, or
  2. the author graduated recently and the submission is based on the author's work during student days.
The papers are selected by the LICS program committee; the committee may decline to make the award or may split it among several papers.
A list of all Kleene Award winners can be found here.

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Last modified: Sun Nov 21 13:06:26 GMT 2021
Sam Staton