LICS'19 Accepted Papers

Stepan Kuznetsov. The logic of action lattices is undecidable
Patricia Johann and Andrew Polonsky. Higher-Kinded Data Types: Syntax and Semantics
Steffen van Bergerem. Learning Concepts Definable in First-Order Logic with Counting
Étienne Grandjean and Théo Grente. Descriptive complexity for minimal time of cellular automata
Jean Goubault-Larrecq. A Probabilistic and Non-Deterministic Call-by-Push-Value Language
Nathanael Ackerman, Jeremy Avigad, Cameron Freer, Daniel Roy and Jason Rute. Algorithmic barriers to representing conditional independence
Paul-André Melliès. Template games and differential linear logic
Naoki Kobayashi, Ugo Dal Lago and Charles Grellois. On the Termination Problem for Probabilistic Higher-Order Recursive Programs
Pierre-Louis Curien, Cédric Ho Thanh and Samuel Mimram. A Sequent Calculus for Opetopes
Simon Forest and Samuel Mimram. Describing free ω-categories
Jean Christoph Jung, Fabio Papacchini, Frank Wolter and Michael Zakharyaschev. Model Comparison Games for Horn Description Logics
Maaike Zwart and Dan Marsden. No-Go Theorems for Distributive Laws
C.-H. Luke Ong and Dominik Wagner. HoCHC: A Refutationally Complete and Semantically Invariant System of Higher-order Logic Modulo Theories
Martin Grohe and Daniel Neuen. Canonisation and Definability for Graphs of Bounded Rank Width
Igor Walukiewicz. LambdaY-calculus with priorities
Moritz Lichter, Ilia Ponomarenko and Pascal Schweitzer. Walk refinement, walk logic, and the iteration number of the Weisfeiler-Leman algorithm
Nicola Pinzani, Stefano Gogioso and Bob Coecke. Categorical Semantics for Time Travel
Petr Jančar and Sylvain Schmitz. Bisimulation Equivalence of First-Order Grammars is ACKERMANN -Complete
Renaud Vilmart. A Near-Optimal Axiomatisation of ZX-Calculus for Pure Qubit Quantum Mechanics
Emmanuel Jeandel, Simon Perdrix and Renaud Vilmart. A Generic Normal Form for ZX-Diagrams and Application to the Rational Angle Completeness
Clément Carbonnel, Miguel Romero and Stanislav Živný. Point-width and Max-CSPs
Orna Kupferman and Gal Vardi. Perspective Games
Marcelo Fiore and Philip Saville. A type theory for cartesian closed bicategories
Tetsuya Sato, Gilles Barthe, Marco Gaboardi, Justin Hsu and Shin-Ya Katsumata. Approximate Span Liftings: Compositional Semantics for Relaxations of Differential Privacy
Dominique Unruh. Quantum Hoare Logic with Ghost Variables
Xiaohong Chen and Grigore Rosu. Matching mu-Logic
Alejandro Díaz-Caro, Mauricio Guillermo, Alexandre Miquel and Benoît Valiron. Realizability in the Unitary Sphere
Nicolai Kraus and Jakob von Raumer. Path Spaces of Higher Inductive Types in Homotopy Type Theory
Arthur Azevedo de Amorim, Marco Gaboardi, Justin Hsu and Shin-Ya Katsumata. Probabilistic Relational Reasoning via Metrics
Brendan Fong, David I. Spivak and Remy Tuyeras. Backprop as Functor: A compositional perspective on supervised learning
Christoph Haase and Georg Zetzsche. Presburger arithmetic with stars, rational subsets of graph groups, and nested zero tests
Filippo Bonchi, Robin Piedeleu, Pawel Sobocinski and Fabio Zanasi. Graphical Affine Algebra
Claudia Faggian and Simona Ronchi Della Rocca. Lambda Calculus and Probabilistic Computation - A foundational approach
Christel Baier, Nathalie Bertrand, Jakob Piribauer and Ocan Sankur. Long-run satisfaction of path properties
Bartek Klin and Clovis Eberhart. History-dependent nominal mu-calculus
Martin Avanzini, Alexis Ghyselen and Ugo Dal Lago. Type-Based Complexity Analysis of Probabilistic Functional Programs
Florent Guépin, Christoph Haase and James Worrell. On the Existential Theories of Büchi Arithmetic and Linear p-adic Fields
Albert Atserias, Anuj Dawar and Joanna Ochremiak. On the Power of Symmetric Linear Programs
Pablo Barceló, Cristina Feier, Carsten Lutz and Andreas Pieris. When is Ontology-Mediated Querying Efficient?
Norine Coenen, Bernd Finkbeiner, Christopher Hahn and Jana Hofmann. The Hierarchy of Hyperlogics
Samson Abramsky, Rui Soares Barbosa, Martti Karvonen and Shane Mansfield. A comonadic view of simulation and quantum resources
Bharat Adsul, Saptarshi Sarkar and A. V. Sreejith. Block products for algebras over countable words and applications to logic
Krishnendu Chatterjee and Laurent Doyen. Graph Planning with Expected Finite Horizon
Mikołaj Bojańczyk, Edon Kelmendi and Michał Skrzypczak. MSO+nabla is undecidable
Brigitte Pientka, David Thibodeau, Andreas Abel, Francisco Ferreira and Rebecca Zucchini. A Type Theory for Defining Logics and Proofs
Thomas Place and Marc Zeitoun. Separation and covering for group based concatenation hierarchies
Libor Barto. Promises Make Finite (Constraint Satisfaction) Problems Infinitary
Bartosz Bednarczyk and Stéphane Demri. Why propositional quantification makes modal logics on trees robustly hard ?
David Sprunger and Shin-Ya Katsumata. Differentiable Causal Computations via Delayed Trace
Manuel Bodirsky, Antoine Mottet, Miroslav Olšák, Jakub Opršal, Michael Pinsker and Ross Willard. Topology is relevant (in the infinite domain dichotomy conjecture for constraint satisfaction problems)
Jérôme Leroux and Sylvain Schmitz. Reachability in Vector Addition Systems is Primitive-Recursive in Fixed Dimension
Willem Heijltjes, Dominic Hughes and Lutz Straßburger. Intuitionistic Proofs Without Syntax
Mathieu Huot and Sam Staton. Quantum channels as a categorical completion
Filippo Bonchi, Ana Sokolova and Valeria Vignudelli. The Theory of Traces for Systems with Probability and Nondeterminism
Sebastian Enqvist, Helle Hvid Hansen, Clemens Kupke, Johannes Marti and Yde Venema. Completeness for Game Logic
David Reutter and Jamie Vicary. High-level methods for homotopy construction in associative n-categories
Yuichi Komorida, Shin-Ya Katsumata, Nick Hu, Bartek Klin and Ichiro Hasuo. Codensity Games for Bisimilarity
Ugo Dal Lago and Naohiko Hoshino. The Geometry of Bayesian Programming
S. Akshay, Paul Gastin, Vincent Jugé and Krishna S. Timed systems through the lens of logic
Mohammad Javad Davari, Abbas Edalat and Andre Lieutier. The convex hull of finitely generable subsets and its predicate transformer