LICS 2020 Accepted Papers
Daniel Gratzer, Alex Kavvos, Andreas Nuyts and Lars Birkedal. Multimodal Dependent Type Theory
Rajeev Alur, Yu Chen, Kishor Jothimurugan and Sanjeev Khanna. Space-efficient Query Evaluation over Probabilistic Event Streams
Szymon Toruńczyk and Thomas Zeume. Register Automata with Extrema Constraints, and an Application to Two-Variable Logic Manuel Bodirsky, Wied Pakusa and Jakub Rydval. Temporal Constraint Satisfaction Problems in Fixed-Point Logic
Balasubramanian A.R.. Complexity of controlled bad sequences over finite sets of $\mathbb{N}^d$
Russell Impagliazzo, Sasank Mouli and Toniann Pitassi. The Surprising Power of Constant Depth Algebraic Proofs Benedikt Ahrens, Paige Randall North, Michael Shulman and Dimitris Tsementzis. A Higher Structure Identity Principle Cong Tian, Wensheng Wang and Zhenhua Duan. Making Streett Determinization Tight
Christian Sattler and Andrea Vezzosi. Partial Univalence in n-truncated Type Theory Pranav Ashok, Krishnendu Chatterjee, Jan Kretinsky, Maximilian Weininger and Tobias Winkler. Approximating Values of Generalized-Reachability Stochastic Games Matthew Moore and Taylor Walenczyk. The Hidden Subgroup Problem for Universal Algebras Peng Fu, Kohei Kishida and Peter Selinger. Linear Dependent Type Theory for Quantum Programming Languages Takeshi Tsukada. On Computability of Logical Approaches to Branching-Time Property Verification of Programs
Julien Grange. Successor-Invariant First-Order Logic on Classes of Bounded Degree
Nathanael Arkor and Marcelo Fiore. Algebraic models of simple type theories: a polynomial approach John Fearnley, Rasmus Ibsen-Jensen and Rahul Savani. One-Clock Priced Timed Games are PSPACE-hard Miika Hannula, Juha Kontinen, Jan Van den Bussche and Jonni Virtema. Descriptive complexity of real computation and probabilistic independence logic Henning Urbat and Lutz Schröder. Automata Learning: An Algebraic Approach Peter Schuster and Daniel Wessel. Resolving Finite Indeterminacy
Pawel Idziak, Piotr Kawalek and Jacek Krzaczkowski. Intermediate problems in modular circuits satisfiability Michał Wrona. On The Relational Width of First-Order Expansions of Finitely Bounded Homogeneous Binary Cores with Bounded Strict Width Mikolaj Bojanczyk and Amina Doumane. First-order tree-to-tree functions Jendrik Brachter and Pascal Schweitzer. On the Weisfeiler-Leman Dimension of Finite Groups
Matthew Weaver and Daniel R. Licata. A Constructive Model of Type Theory with Directed Univalence in Bicubical Sets Alexandre Goy and Daniela Petrisan. Combining probabilistic and non-deterministic choice via weak distributive laws Gilles Barthe, Rohit Chadha, Vishal Jagannath, A. Prasad Sistla and Mahesh Viswanathan. Deciding Differential Privacy for Programs with Finite Inputs and Outputs Angelos Charalambidis, Ioannis Chatziagapis and Panos Rondogiannis. A Fixed Point Theorem on Lexicographic Lattice Structures Gianluca Curzi and Michele Pagani. The Benefit of Being Non-Lazy in Probabilistic λ-calculus
Kristina Sojakova, Floris van Doorn and Egbert Rijke. Sequential Colimits in Homotopy Type Theory Revantha Ramanayake. Extended Kripke lemma and decidability for hypersequent substructural logics Niels van der Weide. Constructing Finitary 1-Truncated Higher Inductive Types as Groupoid Quotients