LICS 2023 Accepted Papers

Michael Benedikt and Ehud Hrushovski. Embedded Finite Models beyond Restricted Quantifier Collapse
Tamio-Vesa Nakajima and Stanislav Živný. Boolean symmetric vs. functional PCSP dichotomy
Ruiwen Dong. The Identity Problem in the special affine group of $\mathbb{Z}^2$
Arka Ghosh, Piotr Hofman and Sławomir Lasota. Orbit-finite linear programming
David Fernández-Duque and Quentin Gougeon. Fixed Point Logics on Hemimetric Spaces
Marie Kerjean and Jean-Simon Lemay. Taylor Expansion as a Monad in Models of DiLL
Glynn Winskel. Making Concurrency Functional
Pierre Clairambault and Simon Forest. The Cartesian Closed Bicategory of Thin Spans of Groupoids
Pierre Clairambault, Federico Olimpieri and Hugo Paquet. From Thin Concurrent Games to Generalized Species of Structures
Yoshiki Nakamura. Existential Calculi of Relations with Transitive Closure: Complexity and Edge Saturations
Martin Grohe. The Descriptive Complexity of Graph Neural Networks
Wojciech Przybyszewski. Distal combinatorial tools for graphs of bounded twin-width
Zeinab Galal. Fixpoint operators for 2-categorical structures
Ken Sakayori and Davide Sangiorgi. Extensional and Non-extensional Functions as Processes
Faraz Ghahremani, Edon Kelmendi and Joel Ouaknine. Reachability in Injective Piecewise Affine Maps
Michael Blondin, Philip Offtermatt and Alex Sansfaçon-Buchanan. Verifying linear temporal specifications of constant-rate multi-mode systems
Boldizsár Poór, Quanlong Wang, Razin Shaikh, Lia Yeh, Richie Yeung and Bob Coecke. Completeness for arbitrary finite dimensions of ZXW-calculus, a unifying calculus
Jason Bell and Daniel Smertnig. Computing the linear hull: Deciding Sequential? and Unambiguous? for weighted automata over fields
Renaud Vilmart, Titouan Carette, Timothée Hoffreumon and Émile Larroque. Complete Graphical Language for Hermiticity-Preserving Superoperators
Alexandre Clément, Nicolas Heurtel, Shane Mansfield, Simon Perdrix and Benoît Valiron. A Complete Equational Theory for Quantum Circuits
Martin Grohe, Moritz Lichter and Daniel Neuen. The Iteration Number of the Weisfeiler-Leman Algorithm
Elena Di Lavore and Mario Román. Evidential Decision Theory via Partial Markov Categories
Georgios Argyris, Alberto Lluch Lafuente, Alexander Leguizamon Robayo, Mirco Tribastone, Max Tschaikowski and Andrea Vandin. Minimization of Dynamical Systems over Monoids
Jelle Hellings, Marc Gyssens, Jan Van den Bussche and Dirk Van Gucht. Expressive Completeness of Two-Variable First-Order Logic with Counting for First-Order Queries on Unranked Trees
Marianna Girlando, Roman Kuznets, Sonia Marin, Marianela Morales Elena and Lutz Straßburger. Intuitionistic S4 is decidable
Laure Daviaud and David Purser. The Big-O Problem for Max-Plus Automata is Decidable (PSPACE-Complete)
Axel Ljungström and Anders Mörtberg. Formalizing $\pi_4(S^3) \cong Z/2Z$ and Computing a Brunerie Number in Cubical Agda
Dario Della Monica, Angelo Montanari, Gabriele Puppis and Pietro Sala. The Logic of Prefixes and Suffixes is Elementary under Homogeneity
Aymeric Walch and Thomas Ehrhard. Cartesian Coherent Differential Categories
Jan Dreier and Jamie Tucker-Foltz. Pseudorandom Finite Models
Damian Niwinski, Paweł Parys and Michał Skrzypczak. The Probabilistic Rabin Tree Theorem
Thomas Place and Marc Zeitoun. Group separation strikes back
David Baelde, Adrien Koutsos and Joseph Lallemand. A Higher-Order Indistinguishability Logic for Cryptographic Reasoning
Agata Ciabattoni, Timo Lang and Revantha Ramanayake. Cut-restriction: from cuts to analytic cuts
Tom de Jong, Nicolai Kraus, Fredrik Nordvall Forsberg and Chuangjie Xu. Set-Theoretic and Type-Theoretic Ordinals Coincide
Francesco Gavazzo. Allegories of Symbolic Manipulation
Jessie Grosen, David M. Kahn and Jan Hoffmann. Automatic Amortized Resource Analysis with Regular Recursive Types
Yuanhong Wang, Juhua Pu, Yuyi Wang and Ondrej Kuzelka. On Exact Sampling in the Two-Variable Fragment of First-Order Logic
Massimo Benerecetti, Bozzelli Laura, Fabio Mogavero and Adriano Peron. Quantifying over Trees in Monadic Second-Order Logic
Mikołaj Bojańczyk. Folding interpretations
Libor Barto, Bertalan Bodor, Marcin Kozik, Antoine Mottet and Michael Pinsker. Symmetries of graphs and structures that fail to interpret a finite thing
Benedict Bunting and Andrzej Murawski. Operational Algorithmic Game Semantics
Sasha Rubin, Benjamin Aminof, Giuseppe De Giacomo and Florian Zuleger. Stochastic Best-Effort Strategies for Borel Goals
Mikołaj Bojańczyk. On the growth rates of polyregular functions
Amar Hadzihasanovic and Diana Kessler. Higher-dimensional subdiagram matching
Johannes K. Fichte, Robert Ganian, Markus Hecher, Friedrich Slivovsky and Sebastian Ordyniak. Structure-Aware Lower Bounds and Broadening the Horizon of Tractability for QBF
Diego Figueira, Santiago Figueira and Edwin Pin Baque. PDL on Steroids
Toghrul Karimov, Edon Kelmendi, Joris Nieuwveld, Joël Ouaknine and James Worrell. The Power of Positivity
Dan Marsden, Tomáš Jakl and Nihil Shah. A categorical account of composition methods in logic
Steffen van Bergerem, Martin Grohe, Sandra Kiefer and Luca Oeljeklaus. Simulating Logspace-Recursion with Logarithmic Quantifier Depth
Pascal Bergsträßer and Moses Ganardi. Revisiting Membership Problems in Subclasses of Rational Relations
Nikhil Balaji, Lorenzo Clemente, Klara Nosan, Mahsa Shirmohammadi and James Worrell. Multiplicity Problems on Algebraic Series and Context-Free Grammars
Titouan Carette, Louis Lemonnier and Vladimir Zamdzhiev. Central Submonads and Notions of Computation: Soundness, Completeness and Internal Languages
Tobias Winkler and Joost-Pieter Katoen. On Certificates, Expected Runtimes, and Termination in Probabilistic Pushdown Automata
Fredrik Dahlqvist, Alexandra Silva and William Smith. Deterministic stream-sampling for probabilistic programming: semantics and verification
Jan Kretinsky, Tobias Meggendorfer and Maximilian Weininger. Stopping Criteria for Value Iteration on Stochastic Games with Quantitative Objectives
Gianluca Curzi and Anupam Das. Computational expressivity of (circular) proofs with fixed points
Henning Urbat, Stelios Tsampas, Sergey Goncharov, Stefan Milius and Lutz Schröder. Weak Similarity in Higher-Order Mathematical Operational Semantics
Éric Goubault, Roman Kniazev, Jérémy Ledent and Sergio Rajsbaum. Simplicial Set Models for Distributed Knowledge
Mathieu Huot, Alexander K. Lew, Vikash K. Mansinghka and Sam Staton. ωPAP Spaces: Reasoning Denotationally About Higher-Order, Recursive Probabilistic and Differentiable Programs
Yue Niu and Robert Harper. A metalanguage for cost-aware denotational semantics
Nikos Tzevelekos, Vasileios Koutavas and Yu-Yang Lin. Fully Abstract Normal Form Bisimulation for PCF