We have a limited amount of money to support travel grants for students who are presenters or co-authors of a paper, but need money to attend LICS 2023.
We expect students to apply for these funds only when they would not
be able to attend the meeting otherwise. The travel grants will only
offer partial financial support, we expect institutions to share costs in the
funding of students.
To apply for a travel grant please send an email with subject LICS 2023 student travel grant to gaboardi@bu.edu with the following information:
student full name, affiliation, title of the paper,
letter from the advisor confirming that the applicant is a student who would not be able to attend the meeting otherwise (the letter can be also sent directly by the advisor to gaboardi@bu.edu).
Deadline for application: 05/08/2023
The symposium is sponsored by ACM SIGLOG, the IEEE Technical Committee on Mathematical Foundations of Computing, the Boston University Rafik B. Hariri Institute for Computing and Computational Science & Engineering, the Boston University College of Arts & Sciences, and the Boston University Department of Computer Science.
Website by Sam Staton based on a bootstrap design by Hartmut Eilers and Eric Koskinen.